Micro$oft strikes again

p0stal said:
O.T. I know, but I am pretty sure Thug Life Vol. 1 is J_L_Audio_User or whatever his name is, who got banned a little while ago for crapping in Cars section.
Is this true? JL_Audio_User sent me a nasty PM that had language and flaming in it I have never EVER seen or read on these boards. I had no idea why, and when I asked him why, I got no response. I also did some searching for threads with both our names, and couldn't find a damn thing that would piss him off.

If this is true, I think Thug Life Vol 1 should be banned, assuming it's the same person. That kind of cowardice is absolutely ridiculous. If you feel the need to send someone a flame-laden PM, at least be man enough to explain why. Anyhoo, hopefully, this can be investigated further. JL_Audio_User was one of those people who did nothing but start arguments, in every single subforum he posted in.
People with small weiners and fragile egos seem to think its necessary to act like an "uber h4xor" so they will feel better about themselves. Grow up. Oh n03s please dont h4x0r me! I bow before your altER!
Ice Clown said:
Don't blame the virus scan you are using because no one has caught this yet. Good keyloggers are so nasty and well hidden that your scan would not find it. It basicaly has ghosted a legitimate boot file.

Lol! You're full of shit! My e-mail client will not run anything or display any images at all. It's 100% text-based, running in LInux. You can't do a god-damned thing to my box through email. Lol! Your comments about emails and keyloggers show that you don't really understand how any of this technology works.

You would be better off if you stopped wasteing your time trying to be a script-kiddie, and instead learned how to set up a mail/web server or two.

As a side note, you sound like a hacker n00b not worth his own keyboard... if you want to learn something about how computers really work, learn linux or unix, and pick up a good programming book. You'll find makeing your own programs is a lot more rewarding than using someone elses script/hack-pack.

Just some adivce.
All arguements aside, SP2 limits total concurrent connections to a total of 10. This can have issues with things such as P2P software. I never had any problems with it personally, or even noticed my total simultanious connections being limited to such a small number, but it MAY be something to look into. There are some tweaks out there you can utilize to change this value to a more reasonable figure. Whether or not it will help is another story.