Michigan governor signs gaming law

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Pepster64 said:
She's not a dyke, but she's definitely a bitch who has run the economy of Michigan into the ground. She belongs out in California with Arnold, they would make a great pair. Michigan's econony is going down the drain and all she has to worry about is violence in Video Games.

BTW Michigan's a great place, with the exception of the economy and the Gov.

Go Wolverines!!! Still trying to figure out what a BUCKEYE is :D

No she would make a great mate to our Governor here in Ohio Taft should be shot for nearly bankrupting Ohio. Oh and a Buckeye is some football team that beats Michigan regularly....
computerdude said:
No she would make a great mate to our Governor here in Ohio Taft should be shot for nearly bankrupting Ohio. Oh and a Buckeye is some football team that beats Michigan regularly....

Untrue...a buckeye is a nut. BTW regularly only counts if you consider the last 2 years....look at the last 10-15 and try again. OFF TOPIC ANYWAY.........
It doesn't bother me... Why!? Young kids will still have parents of friends buy the games they want... so technically this law was pointless and only enstricts the rating system... but who gives a shit... Parents will still buy them for thierr kids and so will there friends, older siblings extra... so you tell me why you're all complaining....???
i fucking hate that !!!! hoe bag cum dumpster granholm. she's ruined this state
Man.....can someone please state why they hate Michigan's Governor so much? From what I recall from the last time I was there....the roads and drivers still sucked. There was not much to do and the school systems/sports programs were not very good. So how did the governor ruin everything? JK of course....I am moving to Michigan when school is finally done.
Hell I dont care, im 21... Bring it on. I will go buy my beer in conjunction with my mature video games
USMC2Hard4U said:
Hell I dont care, im 21... Bring it on. I will go buy my beer in conjunction with my mature video games

Grab a few cans of spray paint too, the local Wal-Mart gets all bitchy when you try to buy that too, gotta show your id. Yes, I'm gonna huff this expensive can of mirage paint instead of that stuff they have for 99 cents. Yes, the wife and I are both over 21 but when they do crap like this and we have to show our id when we want to buy games and stuff like that, it basically effects us.
Good lord....still cant get used to 21 yr olds servin our country. I remember thinkin that same way....yea I am 21 I can buy beer.
phatmatt said:
If you are adult you shouldn't care.

Yes you should.

Regardless of age, this undermines all the work the games industry has done throughout it's lifetime to regulate itself so the government doesn't have to step in.

Liberman anyone? the ESRB was started to protect the games industry from this kind of crap. Liberman himself now has said that the ESRB is doing fine and one of the better rating systems compared to others.

Under this law, MANY Teen rated games would now be considered M.

Street fighter for instance, among many other fighting games, fps games (with no blood/gore), etc would now be considered M and fall under this law.

AMDXPCottonFire22 said:
It doesn't bother me... Why!? Young kids will still have parents of friends buy the games they want... so technically this law was pointless and only enstricts the rating system... but who gives a shit... Parents will still buy them for thierr kids and so will there friends, older siblings extra... so you tell me why you're all complaining....???

Under this law, stores will be fined 5k a top and more if it keeps happening. People that are not the kids legal guardian will face both a fine and jailtime. You can bet your ass a lot of people won't want to take that risk.
Stiler said:
Under this law, stores will be fined 5k a top and more if it keeps happening. People that are not the kids legal guardian will face both a fine and jailtime. You can bet your ass a lot of people won't want to take that risk.

How many 21+ yr olds in here or that you know of have no prob buying alcohol for underage peeps? Its not gonna deter anyone no matter what the penalty is.
Stiler said:
Yes you should.

Regardless of age, this undermines all the work the games industry has done throughout it's lifetime to regulate itself so the government doesn't have to step in.

Liberman anyone? the ESRB was started to protect the games industry from this kind of crap. Liberman himself now has said that the ESRB is doing fine and one of the better rating systems compared to others.

Under this law, MANY Teen rated games would now be considered M.

Street fighter for instance, among many other fighting games, fps games (with no blood/gore), etc would now be considered M and fall under this law.

Under this law, stores will be fined 5k a top and more if it keeps happening. People that are not the kids legal guardian will face both a fine and jailtime. You can bet your ass a lot of people won't want to take that risk.

I don't think it will keep peopel from buying games for underaged gamers (under aged gamers??? WTF?)
The CA one wont affect me. Maybe there will be less annoying 13 yr old pricks playing now. Heres to wishful thinking...lol
I wonder how many people will move out of Michigan due to this stoopid law?
Will be Michigan be the next Montana?
mentok1982 said:
I wonder how many people will move out of Michigan due to this stoopid law?
Will be Michigan be the next Montana?
I am from Michigan and I love it. Best state evar. I will never move.

Unless they take away one of the following

Then I will move
Wow, finally a reason to be thankful Mr. Goodhair (Rick perry) is governor of Texas. The man hasn't done a goddamn thing since Dubyah stuck us with him...Seriously, he hasn't made TX much worse than it was.....but that's not saying much when you're already at the bottom.
I dont see what the problem is. It isnt meant to be sold to minors just like alchohol and ciggarettes arent. This lawl only effects the yougins but. W/E reputable stores check for ID's anyways.
rfwinters77 said:
You know what? This might be a good thing.

Maybe from now on, instead of blaming a game for some dumbass kids
behavior, the lame ass media and government will start blaming the parents
and/or kids themselves.

Of course. I'm sure they'll still blame the games, so it's rather a moot point. :rolleyes:

In a perfect society maybe, although then they would have already figured it out.

No, it will not happen, the public will only go after another easily targetted scapegoat. Whatever is popular with the young that old peole aren't interested in.
Stiler said:
Yes you should.

Regardless of age, this undermines all the work the games industry has done throughout it's lifetime to regulate itself so the government doesn't have to step in.
And rightly so. Are you saying you didn't think the rating system was a joke? Let's see, the M rating applies to most games with "large" and not "extreme" amounts of violence or sexuality, which is a joke because the Soldier of Fortune games were rated M. However, should a game be too graphically violent or blatantly sexual, the ESRB has the AO up its sleeve. Which means, instead of having to be 17 to buy the game...you have to be 18! OMG SCANDAL
Stiler said:
Liberman anyone? the ESRB was started to protect the games industry from this kind of crap. Liberman himself now has said that the ESRB is doing fine and one of the better rating systems compared to others.
I always see people on internet forums attributing phantom quotes like this to people. Even if Lieberman DID say this, what does it matter? Just because of his status as prior-opportunistic-videogame-hater doesn't make him the official source on videogames by default.
If the parent says no then the kid goes to a friends house who has it. All this will do is hurt game sales b/c 14 yr olds won't be aloud to buy the games.
mentok1982 said:
I wonder how many people will move out of Michigan due to this stoopid law?
Will be Michigan be the next Montana?
I'm just going to hope you said this to emphasize the fact that nobody will.
Granholm is an idiot.

1. Football video games would fall into the "ultraviolent explicit video game" category, if the characters "realistically appear to be human beings."
2. Any video game can end run the law by ensuring characters don't "realistically appear to be human beings." Swap horns for noses, and you're home free. Or use low polygon models for character faces; I've yet to see a real human having a head with sharp edges.
Cardboard Hammer said:
Granholm is an idiot.

1. Football video games would fall into the "ultraviolent explicit video game" category, if the characters "realistically appear to be human beings."
2. Any video game can end run the law by ensuring characters don't "realistically appear to be human beings." Swap horns for noses, and you're home free. Or use low polygon models for character faces; I've yet to see a real human having a head with sharp edges.
lol, funny how you put number 2. But here's my take: I worked at a Wal-Mart one year during the holday season, and as associates, we were absolutely REQUIRED to card anyone (read: ANYONE) who bought an "M" rated game....even dear 'ol wrinkly grandma had to be carded....It was grounds to get fired if they found out anyone sold an underage person an "M" rated game....and the parent even had to be escorted out of the store with it and it had to be in the parents hands until it left the store...and how many times did that happen? How many times did the parent buy the game for the kid? 100 percent of the time, that's how much...so the government needs to take a look at the parents if it's such a problem, because it's not kids buying the damn games most of the time.
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