Michael Dell: "Post-PC Era Has Been Great For The PC"


Aug 20, 2006
While the market is changing rapidly, Mr. Dell does not seem phased by the post-PC era.

“The post-PC era has been great for the PC. When the post-PC era started there were about 180m PCs being sold a year and now it’s up to over 300m, so I like the post-PC era,” he said.
But the PC is dead, wannabe Steve Jobs said so, and I'm sure that had absolutely nothing to do with him trying to sell more ipads and iphones and iwatches.
PC's are far from dead, I don't see us replacing PC with ipad, the 2 ipad we have at work are in the draw cause really we cant use them for anything other then check how our website looks on tablets. I am in the process of rolling out Surface pro 4's which everyone loves.

Have to remember the tablet market is dropping rather quickly, Apple is dropping over 8% per quarter, I believe the only tablet that is increasing in sales is the Surface lineup.
But Bethesda surely is making their games compatible with iPad!...............
MS is trying to kill the PC so it must be dead.
The PC isn't dead and I like Micheal Dell, hes a smart guy and doesn't make his company a show of liberalism like Tim Cook. I like how Dell is private and can focus on their products instead of assholes like Carl Icahn. Go Dell.
The PC isn't dead and I like Micheal Dell, hes a smart guy and doesn't make his company a show of liberalism like Tim Cook. I like how Dell is private and can focus on their products instead of assholes like Carl Icahn. Go Dell.

I think you're confusing liberalism with hippy shit. Not all liberals are stupid hippies who want to save the whales at the expense of poorer humans.

On the topic at hand, Dell is really performing right now in every segment. They have competitive products from the low end to top-end gaming PC and a full line of business systems. This entire "Post PC" thing is mindless garbage. The PC market is now mature, everyone who wants one has one, that means they're not selling as many. That's normal, constantly growing a market is not a long-term viable situation.

And if we look at what is selling, PCs are right up there. Yes, the form-factor is shrinking (and why not?) but PCs are what is selling. And devices that might be considered "sub-PC" are rapidly evolving to add new features until the two will collide (as is starting to happen). I imagine we'll end up with a phone that hooks up to a screen and keyboard to do more work and guess what that will be.... It'll be a PC.
MS is trying to kill the PC so it must be dead.

Far from it. That's like saying since Google is marketing Android powered tablets, they want the Android powered phones to be dead... Microsoft wants Windows 10 on all devices, including the PC.

Microsoft was late to the smartphone party (not really, but Windows Mobile wasn't great), and people bitched that they missed it. Microsoft missed TerraServer, which was replaced with Google Earth. Tablets? Same thing. So, when Microsoft expands to other markets beyond PC, they get nailed. When they don't, they get more shit. They just can't win.

The Post-PC era isn't bringing about the death of the PC. It's expanding the computing devices past the general PC. For many of us, a Rasperry Pi can replace a PC for some uses. Computing is expanding, not killing off the PC.
I think you're confusing liberalism with hippy shit. Not all liberals are stupid hippies who want to save the whales at the expense of poorer humans.

Now, this is a topic I'd like to see in the Soapbox! :D I was thinking about this last night (good drinking topic!). I see posts from Democrats, Liberals, Republicans, Conservatives, Libertarians everywhere. They always generalize and focus on a single topic, maybe two, and use an extreme example as the poster child of that party or political leaning. Liberals = hippy artsy crap. Republicans = religious, gun nuts. Democrats = socialist welfare folks. etc... All the posts use that as an example and ignore everyone else.

Dell was a great company, and I think now that they went private they will become great again. Not skimping on quality, and putting out some great products. I used to recommend Dell for people buying an OEM machine. Then, their quality went downhill. Fast. I couldn't recommend them with a good conscience. They are getting better, or so I hear. I want to get a Dell just to play with and see how long it lasts, just to recommend it again. Good company with a good start.

I do hope that they get amazing again, and they can show that if you focus on the consumer and the products vs. the shareholders, you get a much better product and the customers flock towards it. That will increase profits and make the company better. Not great in the short term for shareholders, but overall it's great for the company and the customers.
And if we look at what is selling, PCs are right up there. Yes, the form-factor is shrinking (and why not?) but PCs are what is selling. And devices that might be considered "sub-PC" are rapidly evolving to add new features until the two will collide (as is starting to happen). I imagine we'll end up with a phone that hooks up to a screen and keyboard to do more work and guess what that will be.... It'll be a PC.

On the hardware side there's a lot of change happening with PC in mobile. PC compute power isn't increasing look it used to but there are a lot of improvements in other areas such as weight, battery life and display quality. And the 2 in 1 category is growing rapidly.

Overall PC sales will never return to their peak, there are simply more options now than in those days and many simply don't need or wants all of the power and complexity of a PC. But for those that do the re are a lot of options and price points and capabilities.
Far from it. That's like saying since Google is marketing Android powered tablets, they want the Android powered phones to be dead... Microsoft wants Windows 10 on all devices, including the PC.

Microsoft was late to the smartphone party (not really, but Windows Mobile wasn't great), and people bitched that they missed it. Microsoft missed TerraServer, which was replaced with Google Earth. Tablets? Same thing. So, when Microsoft expands to other markets beyond PC, they get nailed. When they don't, they get more shit. They just can't win.

The Post-PC era isn't bringing about the death of the PC. It's expanding the computing devices past the general PC. For many of us, a Rasperry Pi can replace a PC for some uses. Computing is expanding, not killing off the PC.

I was taking the mickey, not so serious :)
I was taking the mickey, not so serious :)

:D I should have changed my custom title to "That probably went over my head". Or, put it in my sig, because it happens fairly often! :D
But Bethesda surely is making their games compatible with iPad!...............

A few games (or one recently released one) are really not all that important for the overall doing computer stuff...um...thing. Basically only a limited number of people even care about games and even those that do will just play whatever is available on the platform they happen to own. Hardly anyone is going to buy a specific computer thing just to run a specific game. That's strictly the domain of a very, very tiny population of people. For most of the world games are either casual or are on a console and PC games are the things that those angry people who complain about everything do and we normal people don't want to interact with them at all since they're liable to flip out and send death threats over a bug in a free to play game that they spent 20k in microtransactions to look cool in.
A few games (or one recently released one) are really not all that important for the overall doing computer stuff...um...thing. Basically only a limited number of people even care about games and even those that do will just play whatever is available on the platform they happen to own. Hardly anyone is going to buy a specific computer thing just to run a specific game. That's strictly the domain of a very, very tiny population of people. For most of the world games are either casual or are on a console and PC games are the things that those angry people who complain about everything do and we normal people don't want to interact with them at all since they're liable to flip out and send death threats over a bug in a free to play game that they spent 20k in microtransactions to look cool in.

Do agree with you.
I was kidding/fooling around.
My real reason for keeping my PC is my free reign of accessibility to my file system.
I don't like it when things are out of my reach when I own them.
Part of the issue with the short-term quarterly profit driven churn crowd. If it isn't growing by 10%+ per year, it's "dead". Please ignore the fact it sells 300M units per year. Sigh.
I just want to confirm, but people are excited over the Snapdragon 820 and other phone hardware. That warrants $300 more or whatever price. But what are they usually doing with their phone, Snapchat and videos?

But GPU spending of $300 is too niche? It could actually be used for encoding.
I just want to confirm, but people are excited over the Snapdragon 820 and other phone hardware. That warrants $300 more or whatever price. But what are they usually doing with their phone, Snapchat and videos?

But GPU spending of $300 is too niche? It could actually be used for encoding.

That is so well said!
Thank you very much!
That is so well said!
Thank you very much!

Many of us at [H] want fast multicore CPU's that many of our games and software don't really support. It's not the end use that drives us, it's the technology. We go overboard for some things without having a real logical reason to do so.

Of course, some of us do use the CPU to it's max (and video cards).

Will most people actually utilize the higher performance system? Probably not. A few will. But, if you're upgrading every 2 years or more, that new fast CPU will be old hat by then. If you buy a slower phone, you might get sluggish before that 2 year mark hits.... Just preparing for the future! :)

Snapchat, pictures, Facebook people with their phones? Bragging rights. Some people have no clue about it, other than "ITS NEW!".