MGS4 Thread *including spoilers*

oh yeah i know he was a wuss lol. i meant it as a joke where netrat said he was a possible clone. i was wondering what went wrong during the cloning process for him to have the stomach problems. the stomach issue gene or something heh.

well I'm guessing IF he is a clone is that is because he is still an individual an makes his own fate. MGS1 and 2 that was a part of the theme that even though there were these big plans for snake and raiden, they were making their own fates. But towards the end, Johnny starting becoming better and became quite a sniper.

That or he could have been just a beta. :D I can't image they just stopped at 3 clones. I think they would try to make an army of super soldiers and of course are going to have some failures
5 acts took me 21 hours to complete. I'm surprised you are up to 4 already with 11 hours, i don't think it's 10 more to finish the rest :p
is there a place that explains mgs 4 story in detail?

i got the major parts understood but there are some minor details i'd like to know...
is there a place that explains mgs 4 story in detail?

i got the major parts understood but there are some minor details i'd like to know...

on the PSN store they just gave a free data base program that has more than what you need (I think :D I just got it and only read some)
Question for anyone who has or is going to play through again, like me.
When I finished I had 100,000 or more "Drebbin Points," and had a few nicely modded guns. If I started a new game can I get all my drebbin points and weapons I finished the last game with and if so how?

Question for anyone who has or is going to play through again, like me.
When I finished I had 100,000 or more "Drebbin Points," and had a few nicely modded guns. If I started a new game can I get all my drebbin points and weapons I finished the last game with and if so how?

If you load the save for your completed game, it will jump to difficulty selection and start a New Game +. You won't keep your weapons, but you will keep your Drebin Points and your costumes and FaceCamos, so when you've gotten to Drebin again you can probably go and re-buy the weapons and mods you want if you have a ton of points saved up, and rock all 5 acts.
If you load the save for your completed game, it will jump to difficulty selection and start a New Game +. You won't keep your weapons, but you will keep your Drebin Points and your costumes and FaceCamos, so when you've gotten to Drebin again you can probably go and re-buy the weapons and mods you want if you have a ton of points saved up, and rock all 5 acts.

Thanks, actually you do get your weapons back it looks like. You do the load saved game, but once you meet up with the MKII you get your basic supplies, but if you look in your weapon collection you have all your weapons plus ammo from the save. Now to figure out if I want to beat the game under the hardest setting or just buy the beefed up camo suit.
yeah you get it all after the mkII. Has anyone tried out the million dollar gun? I really wanted to buy it but i dunno if i'll ever play through the game enough to save up that many points.
The million dollar gun is an antiquidated matchlock that does terrible damage and takes forever to reload (and you must reload after each shot!).

However, each shot in the direction of the enemy has a 1-in-3 chance of producing a small whirlwind that blows the enemy away and drops many useful items.
I just want to see snake take 65 seconds to reload 1 bullet in the rifle. lol.
Thats worth a million Drebin points :D

I just started act 5 a few minutes ago and after a long session.

What I found hilarious was that during the last install.
The little message popped up and said "You have been playing for quite a while"
"It is past 5:00am"
"You should not play when you are tired"
"Take this time to stand up and stretch"

I was like wtf. its 5am!?! and I looked over at my clock and it was 5:13am.
lol, this game is amazing. It draws me in so much, I loose completely lose sense of time. I started at 1am and just wanted to finish up getting into shadow moses, and I ended up finishing the whole act.

btw: that Metal Gear vs. Metal Gear was absolutely amazing.

I am kind of sad of how Raiden cut off his own arm and then died. He was my favorite character after I saw the Vamp vs. Raiden fight scene.

i literally took me almost 1 hour to kill Vamp. I was so damn confused. I finally figured out that I had to use the syringe but I had absolutely no idea how to CQC.
I kept thinking you just press R1 to grab hold then press triangle to inject the nanomachines. But no.
you have to HOLD R1 then press Triangle at the same time.
MAN. I could of killed Vamp in 5 minutes if I knew how to CQC. :mad:
go further into act 5 and you will find the real truth that raiden is indeed far from dead mate
ya ever time i have to use the CQC i feel retarded! :) I just don't quite get it. So all I ever do is grab and throw :(
the Act 3 ending cutscene made me wet my pants....hehe

and the ending of the part where you go to shadow moses island...

perhaps the greatest games ive ever played
You could blow up the earth with the death star and somehow raiden would survive, his armless, legless, torso would fly through space and he would bite you.

oh and all the CQC moves are available in briefing menu. I never went there at first because i thought it was a recap of mission briefings, but it explains how to do all the moves. Holding up PMC and getting items from them is pretty dang cool.
Yeah it took me forever to figure out how to grab a guard and lower him to the ground and do a laying rear naked choke. Also you can lay on the ground and tap triangle to roll over from belly to back, hold triangle for a few seconds to play dead, and also hold L1 to aim then you can shimmy side to side, like strafing on the ground, and i fyou hold X while you are holding L1 While laying on the ground you can roll side to side quickly. These things help a lot in multiplayer, which i play a lot now. MGS:O is really fun.
I just found out that you can drive the MK2 around during the mission briefing. There are some stuff can be found on the plane like a battery and a camera. I haven't tried it yet but maybe you can look at Naomi's hot body from different angles and perhaps upskirt :p
is the database available from the eu psn store because I haven't seen it anywhere.
The only MGS4 review worth watching. :)

Love MGS, but have been waiting for his review on this game since the launch of MGS4 and he delivered. A bit harsh, but he never has liked the story games, he seems more of a FPS kill guy, which is fine because I do agree on most his points, glad he timed out the beginning also (23 minutes...).
It could be a good review if what he told is the truth however a lot of what he said are misleading and not a fact. For example, he said that Snake got a tranquilizer gun right from the beginning of the game but the truth is, you will get the gun later on in the game and to get to the part when you will get the gun is not that easy.

He also said that you need to stand up to fire a gun but the truth is you can fire your gun even when you are lying down on the ground, however there are some situation where you can't fire some weapons like when you are pressing yourself against the wall or you are trying to use a rocket launcher when you are under a truck.

I find that the review is fishy because he never showed any graphics from the game which are stunning but at the end of the video, there is an advert from Ninja Gaiden 2.

Anyone else kinda bummed that it didn't end with Snake and Raiden dying?
For anyone else that is playing through a 2nd + time,

Can you get more than the 3rd level battery by getting hidden batteries a second time? I'm doing a speed play through on my second attempt and skipping the cutscenes, but if i can get more battery power it would be worth the extra minute or so...? So far I have Act 1 down to about 40 minutes....

*edit* answered my question....yes, on your next play through you can get a 4th + battery..

Anyone else kinda bummed that it didn't end with Snake and Raiden dying?

This thread is all about spoilers :)

Well i wouldn't have mind Raiden living if you know...he didn't stop a FREAKIN MASSIVE BOAT and then fall under it looking like he died. I'm willing to suspend my believe ona lot of things Metal Gear related, but I really wish after that he died. would have been more of an impact I think. And why does he have his arms back? or is he cyborg underneath skin (like a terminator)

Snake I wanted to live :) just retire.

The last two Yathzee reviews havent' been funny I think :(
This thread is all about spoilers :)

Well i wouldn't have mind Raiden living if you know...he didn't stop a FREAKIN MASSIVE BOAT and then fall under it looking like he died. I'm willing to suspend my believe ona lot of things Metal Gear related, but I really wish after that he died. would have been more of an impact I think. And why does he have his arms back? or is he cyborg underneath skin (like a terminator)

Snake I wanted to live :) just retire.

The last two Yathzee reviews havent' been funny I think :(

Yathzee doesn't perform well when attempting to crack jokes at games that raise the bar and have a gaming experience second to none.

To my understanding after teh first run through Raiden's body is mostly machine like. He doesn' t normal blood, he somehow lost is jaw, etc. That suit he was wearing was also pretty badass, as I'm sure it enhanced his strength by a lot.

I loved Raiden in this game, he was just so awesome, he never gave up and fought with no arms!

This game's ending scenes toyed with my emotions too much. I thought Raiden was dead, he came back, I thought Snake was dead he came back. I thought Snake finished his final mission, he couldn't follow through.

Though I wished our Heroes would've died as they were meant to I did like the ending. It was a little cheesy at parts (and too Japanese-anime like: see Sunny's laughter) but I thought it was a nice close. It got WAY too complex though.

Also, those split scenes pissed me offff. I wanted to watch Raiden fight against Vamp and I couldn't really pull it off, same thing at the end. The tension with Snake walking down the microwave corridor was amazing. I was smashing that triangle key almost yelling "crawl!"
Also, those split scenes pissed me offff. I wanted to watch Raiden fight against Vamp and I couldn't really pull it off, same thing at the end. The tension with Snake walking down the microwave corridor was amazing. I was smashing that triangle key almost yelling "crawl!"

Hah! I thought the same thing! I'm like..I want to see the fight but I can't! The Gekkos kept me on edge! I don't know what Raiden and Vamp did up there. And same with the corridor scene. Although if he died there...that would have been a sad way to go (good emotional punch). Although nothing can stop him heh.
Beat it last night, 19:22

My thoughts.
Easily the best game I have ever played. Its not a game, its an experience.
Raiden is the fuckin man!
Finding out that I got to actually command REX was like the 1st time I seen titties!

On the other hand;
Final act was stupidly easy. I almost felt like they rushed it. Once your on the boat, its almost to easy to get to GW.

Everyone is a double agent, then triple agent, then quadruple agent...No one dies, everyone has a clone or able to heal from near death or some shit.

I hated when you killed the B&B bosses...the drawn out 'magical' death scenes with the cackling, screaming and shit just seemed far to...lame....added lame was the over-dramatic stories Drebin tells afterwards, yah, we get the point, they were tortured and shit till they go crazy and killing them is doing them a favor,,, what ever happened to killing someone because they were assholes. I dont want to sympathize with them, I want to fucking skull stomp them!

Otacon's crying all the time got old really fast.

The whole ending was overly, thats to easy, they took sappy, and dumped truckloads of kittens and puppies on it. I get the point, that they want to give an emotional sendoff and a happy ending and a 'brave new world' feel to the game, but common, lets do it with more dignity. I found myself cringing at all the sappy stuff...and I dont mind sap, but common, we dont need that much.
"your free snake, your your own man, you answer to no one, dont waste your life, live happy, live free, love this, love that, yah, i get the point!"
Beat it last night, 19:22

My thoughts.
Easily the best game I have ever played. Its not a game, its an experience.
Raiden is the fuckin man!
Finding out that I got to actually command REX was like the 1st time I seen titties!

On the other hand;
Final act was stupidly easy. I almost felt like they rushed it. Once your on the boat, its almost to easy to get to GW.

Everyone is a double agent, then triple agent, then quadruple agent...No one dies, everyone has a clone or able to heal from near death or some shit.

I hated when you killed the B&B bosses...the drawn out 'magical' death scenes with the cackling, screaming and shit just seemed far to...lame....added lame was the over-dramatic stories Drebin tells afterwards, yah, we get the point, they were tortured and shit till they go crazy and killing them is doing them a favor,,, what ever happened to killing someone because they were assholes. I dont want to sympathize with them, I want to fucking skull stomp them!

Otacon's crying all the time got old really fast.

The whole ending was overly, thats to easy, they took sappy, and dumped truckloads of kittens and puppies on it. I get the point, that they want to give an emotional sendoff and a happy ending and a 'brave new world' feel to the game, but common, lets do it with more dignity. I found myself cringing at all the sappy stuff...and I dont mind sap, but common, we dont need that much.
"your free snake, your your own man, you answer to no one, dont waste your life, live happy, live free, love this, love that, yah, i get the point!"

I would have to agree with most of your critisicms, I felt largely the same way.

All in all it was a good game, but... did anyone else feel like there was too little gameplay? After act 3 (i think?) there were far too few soldiers besides the annoying frogs. I didn't feel like I had to sneak at all, especially at Shadow Moses. I really liked how they had you return there, but I was disappointed with the numerous 3-armed robots. I would have much rather had some PMCs to worry about (although I realize it wouldn't have necessarily made sense at an abandoned facility).

For the most part I liked it, but the plot was just so so over the top at points. It was nice how they tried to tie in all the little things from the previous games, but at some point enough is enough. Raiden holding the sword in his mouth to fight was just insanely ridiculous.

My biggest criticism was this: I felt like the codec system was way under-utilized. I had 2 numbers that I could call throughout the duration of the game, Otacon and Rose. Did i miss something? I remember in previous games (especially MGS1) when big plot twists would be dropped via codec, and they were huge "holy shit!" moments.

Maybe I just need a second playthrough on a harder difficulty :p
I beat it last night after taking a week and a half hiatus (Vacation). I want a prequel or a game staring Raiden. mmmm that would be sweet....and how pissed was everyone when you hand him his sword back DAMMIT i wanted that thing so bad.
If they make another without kojima.. then i think its going to be something along the lines of the next snake trying to save snake from dying of old age. Say.. he has to infiltrate a certain laboratory to get this doctor but the doctor is being used to make some kind of bio weapon or something. Then snake ultimately dies from i donno.. doing something super crazy like riding a nuke to oblivion. Raiden will die this time around because hes still a ninja and all ninjas have to die in the MGS world.

They had to keep raiden alive to tell people what happened with rose and campbell.. because from the beginning i didnt think campbell was a pimp at all.
I just finished the game in under 19 hours...and I thought it was amazing. The best graphics I have ever seen in a game easily. However, I was hoping there would be more gameplay. I got 5 emblems and I think my 2nd go through I will try to get most of the rest. Also, I want to get all the weapons from Drebin and find the other secret things in the game.

But really, this game was freaking amazing. I loved it and when I saw everyone saying the game was epic, I was really skeptical. But really that is a perfect description of the game...EPIC!

Also, the reason I think Raiden has arms back is simple, he just got donor arms. If Ocelot can get Liquid's arm put on why cant Raiden get new arms. My biggest question though is, why is Raiden a cyborg? Was there ever any explanation?
Its hard to get donor arms if you talk about it in a realistic sense. Its more logical if they were just robotic arms. Im really guessing that there will be a spinoff without kojima. Still a few more loose ends.
I do agree with Yahtzee's review in that MGS is pretty much a really poorly written soap opera. Or a mix of a soap opera and a SciFi channel B-Movie.
Yep.. shoulda had more hayter writing than kojima writing. But then again this was made mostly in japan where they have different tastes.
I do agree with Yahtzee's review in that MGS is pretty much a really poorly written soap opera. Or a mix of a soap opera and a SciFi channel B-Movie.

Show me a game with a better story and better voice acting, please.
Its hard to get donor arms if you talk about it in a realistic sense. Its more logical if they were just robotic arms. Im really guessing that there will be a spinoff without kojima. Still a few more loose ends.

I thought Raiden's body was mostly non-human, since they reference it near the end like that, but Snake still states your heart is real. I felt that it was his original body they just re-attached everything and the Raiden we see in most of the movie is cyborg mostly.