MGE XG Magnum 500 vs. Antec NeoHE 550 vs. OCZ ModStream 520

Richard Cranium

Limp Gawd
Aug 26, 2002
Which would be the quietest, yet coolest running power supply? Assume top line components plus overclocking. SLI possible.


Depends on motherboard which would be better.....but it won't be the MGE for any system ;)
The NeoHE is "supposed" to be the most silent, but I wouldn't count on it. Regardless, I would go for it because of the modular [and not short like the Modstream] cables and the higher power rating. 80% claimed efficiency isn't bad either.
None of those, if I was in your shoes.

The MGE XG is just... a pretty bad PSU. The NeoHEs don't really work in all boards yet (though they look fantastic on paper), and the Modstreams have way too much 5V amperage, and not enough 12V juice. If you want modular, get the Enermax Liberty series. Fantastic modular PSUs they are.
Thanks for the replies. Is the Enermax Liberty series quiet? I see there's a 500W and 620W version. I'm also considering the Antec Sonata II btw.

Hope this isn't treading into a thread jack, but since it's just on my mind (guy w/ PSU on fire), but since you mentioned a Sonata 2...What about the Antec SP 2.0 450w? You can get the case/PSU for ~$108, also there's a instant rebate (multiple, reference mentioned thread) that would get it down to appx $93-$98 depending on the "deal" used. Basically getting the case for $40 after the PSU.
The OCZ's are some of the best PSU's you can buy. THe powerstreams would be a better choice, but id still get the OCZ over those others. I had a Powerstream 520 that was making a high pitch noise so i called up OCZ. They said it may be that a "insert techincal term" had come loose during shipping or i was stressing the PSU out with my rig. So they upgraded me to a 600W Powerstream just cuz it was Xmas. Im running it now, and i gotta say ill never stray from OCZ.
Richard Cranium said:
I have an enermax 320W (approx.) that came with my Antec clone case. It's not that quiet. :(
Most "Enermax" PSUs that come with cases usually aren't Enermax cases at all...
_Korruption_ said:
Most "Enermax" PSUs that come with cases usually aren't Enermax cases at all...

You mean power supplies. Enermax cases don't come with Enermax power supplies. They come with L&C or Deer power supplies with Enermax stickers slapped on them. They sell them by the pallet load at ASI for about $18 each... yet I wouldn't touch one with a 10 foot pole.