Metal TV stand as wireless antenna


Sep 29, 2002
Had a thought... Don't see why this wouldn't work.

Have a minix android box for my TV, on the network wireless ac. My TV stand is a metal frame and glass type. If I were to wrap the android box antenna with some wire, and then screw the other end into the frame of the TV stand, would that not allow the entire frame to be used as an antenna improving the signal?

Would like some thoughts before drilling holes in my new TV stand :) thanks!
Ummmm, no.

Antennas work by being tuned to the frequency at which they are intended to work. 2.4Ghz would be a really short antenna, half-wavelenth is about 2.5 inches long, 5Ghz half-wavelength is about 1.25 inches.

Best option would be to mount the android box up at the highest point of the stand.

Best option network wise would be to run a cable, the Wi-Fi in those android boxes is questionable at best.