Merry Christmas


Fully [H]
Apr 15, 2006
My wife and I wish all of the [H]ard Folding families a Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays.

Back at ya!

Cool snowthingie too... I just got done shoveling... Yay for me! Supposed to snow here through tomorrow afternoon, which just means more shoveling....

Anyhow, Happy Holidays to all of you and yours... may the beers be cold, the tamales warm and the scotch be smooth. Stay safe and Fold On!!
Whats snow?:confused:

It's a white powdery form of frozen rain that in general makes life for those exposed to it miserable. It must be removed from sidewalks and porches with a shovel, and in some cases a device called a "snow blower". These machines are typically rather expensive gasoline powered horizontal augers that shoot plumes of snow great distances, and are usually operated either very early in the morning, or very late at night. In most cases, the operators of these machines have a tendency to shoot said plumes of snow directly over sidewalks and porches that have just been shoveled, thereby undoing all the hard work of the owner of such sidewalks and porches.

In addition to sidewalks and porches, city streets and highways must also be cleared of this powdery frozen rain, and this is done with huge vehicles called "snow plows". These city and state owned and operated vehicles usually travel in herds, one adjacent to another, and move great amounts of snow in mere seconds. The drivers of these "snow plows" rarely show much consideration for the work of area homeowners and commuters. It's not uncommon to witness these Goliath like behemoths burying cars and minivans parked curbside in front of their owners houses, and in the process depositing mountainous piles of densely packed snow upon freshly shoveled sidewalks and driveways.....

So what is snow? It's the stuff people hope for when they sing that they are "dreaming of a white Christmas...." and I'll tell ya what, we're having one here in the ghetto, that's for sure....

Merry Christmas once again all, hope your feet are dry and your hands are warm!!
Man I wish we were getting snow here (just outside of St. Louis)...instead this "giant winter storm" is bringing us...rain. BOO! I want multiple feets of snow!! :mad: :eek: :D

Merry Christmas everyone, stay safe and healthy.

The first thing that came to mind when I saw that picture was something along the lines of this...the only way it could be better is with a mower (especially given the look on the snowman's face). Ladies and gentlemen, my 10 minutes of Photoshop farting around because I'm bored at work ATM present to you all...

The only white Christmas we ever have in the Central Valley of CA here is if it is foggy. No snow shoveling here but a lot of raking.
Love the snowman pic. I know I'm not around in here nearly as much as I used to be but I still lurk.

Merry Christmas to my folding family !!
The only white Christmas we ever have in the Central Valley of CA here is if it is foggy. No snow shoveling here but a lot of raking.
Hey, I saw a few flurries last Monday in Stockton! At least the news SAID it was snow flurries... :rolleyes:

Anyhow, Happy Holidays to all of you and yours... may the beers be cold, the tamales warm and the scotch be smooth. Stay safe and Fold On!!
Is a bottle of 15 year Glenfiddich smooth enough? Taking it to work tomorrow to share with my staff... :D

Merry Christmas everyone, and here's to an even [H]arder 2010!
Merry Christmas to all. I had a warm tamale and a nice 1554 black ale just this evening. Good luck with the snow for all those getting it whether you want it or not.
Hey, I saw a few flurries last Monday in Stockton! At least the news SAID it was snow flurries... :rolleyes:

Is a bottle of 15 year Glenfiddich smooth enough? Taking it to work tomorrow to share with my staff... :D

Merry Christmas everyone, and here's to an even [H]arder 2010!

yeah but i didnt get any here.. and it really wasnt snow.. it was just frozen rain that melted instantly when it hit the ground.. not even enough to make a single snow ball..
Merry Christmas to you and yours as well GWarren. :) Hope that the new year brings you the best of everything!

...oh, and awesome photochop there Zero. :D
Oh, I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
Mommy and Daddy are mad.
I'm gettin' nuttin' for Christmas
'Cause I ain't been nuttin' but bad.

So you better be good whatever you do
'Cause if you're bad, I'm warning you,
You'll get nuttin' for Christmas.
It's almost Christmas and about to start snowing

Which is unusual for Texas, if you ain't in the knowing

So my Folding rigs are a cranking and heating my home

As I say Merry Christmas to the [H]ard Folders I know.

Wooo, working on Christmas, that's what's up
Posted via [H] Mobile Device
Merry Christmas to all folders!

From Victoria, BC Canada, where there has only been 3 White Christmas days in 63 years.

Merry Christmas guys. :)

We ended up with about 12" of snow so far. Just started snowing again.
A belated Happy Holidays to all fellow [H]orde members!! :cool: