Memory test software


Limp Gawd
May 18, 2007
Google is about as useless as tits on a boar hog these days. is the top result? really?

Can someone point me to a memory test program i can run without booting an iso like memtest?
If you are wanting to test while not using the OS, Memtest is way to go. Any specific reason you cannot or do not want to use Memtest?
I didnt see a version that could be ran without burning it to disk or mounting an iso, i dont have a drive on the box at the moment.

I did find one and it did find errors. Like 50 sectors that could not be written to. I just got this ram in from newegg. There is no helping it right? Do i just need to RMA it? Ive gotten 8 random freezes and one BSOD in about 4 days

Sry if im incoherent, its way past bedtime.
Given the 50 sectors and freezes, it's pretty obvious there's a problem. Just by getting another program is only going to further confirm your suspicions. It's not like you need to 'prove' to newegg that it's broken. Save yourself the headache and just RMA.
Do you have a USB flash drive? You can run Memtest from a flash drive. The RMA is the easy solution but I'd suggest you be sure before shipping it off.

What MOBO are you using and what memory?
Intel Burn Test will stress you RAM along with your CPU, but it won't tell you specifically if you run into a memory error. It'll only stress what the OS isn't already using though.

+1 for memtest on USB. On the memtest website, there's a "Pre-Compiled EXE file for USB Key (Pure DOS)" version.