Memory slots capacity.


Limp Gawd
Jan 31, 2008
Who all out there having an issue with utilizing all 4 Dimm slots of your Motherboard? I just Got a 2 gig Expansion Kit today and i can only use 1 of the 2 modules and that only gives me 3 Gigs of memory. I tried out both Sticks and they both work it is just the fourth Dimm that is not letting me post. Once i pull it the System posts and loads into windows but then it switches the memory to single channel. I cannot figure this out how to get it to post with all four sticks in there so any help would be appreciated.
You didn't even mention what motherboard and what type of memory. It'd be real hard for someone to help without that info...
I fixed The Problem. Apparently you have to increase the Voltage too about 2.18v to get the slots too power all four slots evenly. Took me a few tests to determine the proper Voltage needed for all slots. after that they work without a hitch. Although as with all 32Bit OSs i only have 3.25GB usable.