Meet the Man with 1200 Platinum Trophies


Staff member
Aug 20, 2006
I think trophies and achievements are a total waste of time and only exist to remind me how much of a game I failed to complete, but more power to guys like this who not only enjoy the process but are genuinely good at it. Surprisingly, the guy isn’t a NEET or anything (seems to have a steady job and a kid), yet he was able to find the time to collect 1200 Platinum Trophies—the most difficult awards to get in PlayStation games. Are you done with a game once you beat it, or do you actually try to get all the achievements?

On April 9th 2017, Hakam Karim - moderately better known to the world as Hakoom - heard a 'ping' that shook his world to its core. It was the ping that announced he had unlocked the Platinum trophy for Nioh. And the Platinum trophy for Nioh was Hakoom's 1200th Platinum. "I have no limits when it comes to playing and earning trophies," he tells me. "I grind the hell out of the game until I am able to beat and Platinum it. Other users might feel ashamed to play many games because they are weak and have no spirit. They are afraid of what people will say about them. I do not pay attention to such things and that's what makes top trophy hunters shine."
Damn!. Achievement whoring max level there. I only achievment whore if it gets me something I am interested in. But unless there are multiple endings, gear, perks, or secret bosses that depend on getting certain achievments, I don't go back for the express purpose of being an achievement completionist.
I haven't finished a game in a long time, let alone search for achievements.
I don't worry about the achievements. I just play the game and let the achievements and stuff fall where it may.
I wish I had that kind of time. Wait, maybe I don't.
*second guy to get to 1200...

Sheesh I don't even finish half the games I play nowadays :)
Other users might feel ashamed to play many games because they are weak and have no spirit.

Next time the wife bitches about me playing a game instead of helping with the kids or around the house, I know my go-to line.

I'll let you guys know how it works out...
Yes they are. When you have to kill 1500 enemies only using a shoe or something, that's not the game, that's a stupid grind for some meaningless "achievement."
To you maybe, some might find it fun
Sony should come out with an unattainable "Diamond Trophy" level just to troll him.
There are already some platinum trophies that are impossible to get due to bugs or related to services that are no longer provided.
I have one Platinum trophy and it was from a game that gave out the trophy just for finishing it. I've been a PlayStation gamer since they launched trophies and my mind fucking boggles to think of how many hours this fellow spent gaming.
I don't hate on achievements, some of them are cool (falling 1500 ft and surviving).

But the whole beat every enemy, uncover every corner of the map, perfect all difficulties is hard to imagine being fun.
"I have no limits when it comes to playing and earning trophies," he tells me. "I grind the hell out of the game until I am able to beat and Platinum it. Other users might feel ashamed to play many games because they are weak and have no spirit. They are afraid of what people will say about them. I do not pay attention to such things and that's what makes top trophy hunters shine."

Spoken like a true achievement/trophy whore (Hakam, that is). BTW, as he put in the time and effort to grind out something like all of the DOAX3 trophies?
Man that's crazy. I've never even bothered to get one Platinum trophy, especially after looking at the requirements for some. My backlog is extensive enough as is lol.
It's gonna suck when Sony gets hacked again and he loses his account and subsequently all his virtual trophies attached to it.

Sony should e-mail you trophy "certificates" so you can print them out and hang on your wall to remind everyone of your elite nerdness. Except the trophy should have a platinum bearded neck perched upon the top of it too.
I used to play most games on the hardest difficulty level to get the most out of a game (of course... that was back around the high-school days). now? just on "normal" settings. Sure i like the challenge, but i'd like to actually finish a game in less than a year :p lol!

Only way I can think of where this works is that his entire family is gaming with him heh.
I only platinum the games that I truly love e.g. God of War, Uncharted. But this is just nuts!
I don't aim for achievements, unless I really enjoy the game. Also, as long as those achievements are ridiculously stupid. Like the one in the original Dead Rising. Where you have to kill like 22,000 zombies. My friend got that one. Spent hours entering/exiting an area with a van and just drive the van around running over zombies.
I'm over here with 6 or 7 like yea, im awesome lol
I've been gaming on the PS3 since like.... 2009-2010ish and I may have a few Gold trophies? But not a single platinum.
Though with the amount I grind on Diablo 3, I won't be surprised if I earn one from that game.
I play the hell out of games, and if I get achievements, so be it. But I have my own personal agenda when gaming :D