Medal of Honor Open Beta


Dec 13, 2009
This thread is to discuss experiences with the open beta. You should be able to download it from FilePlanet, FileFront and various other sources.

Initial impressions are just OK. It is an obvious console port, but the gameplay still works half decently on PC. The menu layout is clunky and obviously consolized. The maps are fairly small but seem to have several attack routes. Hit registration seems better than BFBC2, but that's based on only a few minutes of gameplay.

What sets me off is the $60 price tag for the PC version. I will not buy it and support EA and DICE for that reason. Considering they did much more work on the BFBC2 PC version and only sold that for $50, trying to sell a very quick and easy console port for $10 more than normal is a fucking joke.

I don't think I'll be getting it on sale either. Time to vote with my dollar. I hope others do it as well. If this were a $50 release I'd more than likely buy it on release day.

The full game is supposed to have 32 maps as well.
I'm more interested in the SP than the MP for this one. If the retail version is sellable I'll get it on PC, otherwise it'll Gooxex'd for a console.

I can't fucking believe DICE fucked up with the Latency in the server browser again. Only shows as admin... AGAIN. C'o'mon DICE!