Mech Warrior 4?


Limp Gawd
May 22, 2001
Last time I checked(about a month ago) there where still some servers around.
Note, this was with mech4:merchenaries, not sure if mech4:vengance people can play on the same servers as mech4:merc.

Still it's sad how many just use the biggest mech they can find with jumpjets and jump up and down over a hilltop spamming and hideing. More 60-70tonn max servers would be neat, where you run around and actually fight :)
Mechwarrior 5 is in the works, don't know about a release date though. But it's been in devolpment for quite awhile so it should be soon.
Archer75 said:
Mechwarrior 5 is in the works, don't know about a release date though. But it's been in devolpment for quite awhile so it should be soon.

Mech 5 was cancelled a few months ago, which is just as well because it would have been the first Mechwarrior with no FASA involvment.
Whatever happened to the MMO based off of Mechwarrior. I remember reading an article on it a looooooong time ago. It sounded a lot like Planet side only based in FASA's world of Mechwarrior. I'm sure by now it never saw the light of day.

I guess Mechwarrior series is dead now. Too bad some of my favorite games are in that series.
This is why I'm considering an X-Box. Just so I can play Mechassault. The Mechassault 2: Lone Wolf looks really good, but by golly I miss the Mechwarrior series pre Mechwarrior 4.(I hated the fact that you could no longer change weapons anyway you wanted to.)

I miss FASA Interactive! (and FASA.) Speaking of which, is the Mech(gah forgot the name) game at Dave & Busters still around? I know we still have Classic Battletech, but I hadn't thought about the Virtual World or whatever it was called after FASA shut down.

Edit: The MMO game you are talking about is the one that I think it was Sierra was going to do. It was cancelled a while back.(Couple of years ago I think.)
I used to be a really harcore MW4 player. Especially in Vengeance and Black Knight, you will see people take the largest mechs because kills are the only way to get points fast enough to win. Fortunately in Mercs, they altered the scoring so pretty much any mech can be played with a chance to win. It's actually sort of a sad commentary on the remaining community that people are too dumb to abuse the Novacat in MW4 can just load that puppy up with 7ERL and be unstoppable if you know how to work the heat system. They eventually fixed the heat system in Mercs Point Release 1, but not so in MW4.

There is actually a fairly extensive player made mod for Mercs now. They added something insane like 30 mechs and a whole bunch of weapons. I quit playing before the second Mektek pack came out, but it looks impressive. There's another community mod coming out to make the game feel more like Classic Battletech, could be interesting

The MW MMO game was called MPBT:3025. It died quit awhile ago, never got out of beta.

Mech5 is still dead as far as anyone knows. Mechassault 2 is the best we're going to get anytime soon.
FASA, part of MS has put most their effort on Xbox 2 launch titles. FASA right now is working on the near release of MechAssault 2. These guys are great at making AAA games but their Live interface sucks, they are two for two on that. I am really interested to see what MA2 has in store for us.
Staples said:
FASA, part of MS has put most their effort on Xbox 2 launch titles. FASA right now is working on the near release of MechAssault 2. These guys are great at making AAA games but their Live interface sucks, they are two for two on that. I am really interested to see what MA2 has in store for us.

Ahem.. It's FASA Interactive. FASA no longer exists. ;)
Its just as well mech 5 was cancelled ... that game engine was long in the tooth even when the addons were released.

They need a brand spanking new engine like BF2.... That would be amazing.