MCW-82 Universal VGA Block worth it?


Nov 16, 2005
I've had this block for a while. Brand new and used once on my RX480. Thinking of slapping it on my 1070. Temps on air while gaming hover around 60c @ 2000/4600 and power limit @ 120% on air with a decent fan profile.

Rad is a Coolgate CG480 and 8 fans in push/pull and only the chip is under water. I've got another CG480, but no place to put it unless i remove my drives and cages.

So I'm wondering if it's even worth the trouble to put the MCW82 on my 1070 or just sell the other 480 rad & the MCW82 and use the funds for a full cover block.

maybe, maybe not. this section's been pretty dead lately....
so are you wanting to do a 480 for your cpu and a separate 480 for the gpu? if so, you could, it be a bit overkill but this is [H] after all! :) but in all honestly a single 480 should comfortably cool both cpu and gpu. so no, i wouldn't bother, eh. especially if you have to sacrifice drives.
Yeah I figured it would be overkill adding the 2nd 480 rad. What I was asking was if it would be beneficial attaching the MCW-82 or go with a full cover block. Would the MCW-82 cool enough?
it should cool the core pretty close to a full cover but you will have to deal with ram and vrm separately if your card doesn't have a mid-plate or blower fan.
id try it. strapping a h60 or h110i worked great on my 280x, until it popped last night :(

This is my card without the cooler. Only area I need to add sinks to is the 4 VRMs area upper right corner from the core.

Sry to hear about the loss of your 280x. My condolences.
yup those and the vram too. i made some small heat sinks out of an old alu north bridge heat sink, just hacksawed to size.
thnx! now i need a gpu and cpu and money...
I've got a bunch of small sinks and thermal tape. I was getting everything ready and I can't find my dang stash of spring back clamps :rolleyes:

You loss the gpu & cpu too? :eek: I got a spare 'ol 7800GS is ya need it.
burnt up the cpu and mobo a few months back. pushed too hard and vrm blew and seems to have killed the cpu as it doesn't work in a new mobo. then last night the gpu blew. it had been acting weird lately but i thought it was a windows/driver issue. then it popped, like a literal pop noise. i don't see any visible damage but it seems to be toast. so I'm limping along on an old c2d... thnx for the thought but I'm "way" up in alberta.
Awdang! I had a Abit NF7-s blow the bios chip clean off the board. A pop/bang and smoke and it was dead. Started to investigate and saw a dime sized hole where the bios chip & socket was supposed to be. Sad part was I wasn't even pushing it, just getting a feel for it since I just built it a week prior.

Ratz man. Well if ya needs it the offer stands. Gotta try and help the [H] brothers ya know ;)