Maxtor 200GB - 89.99 ( NO REBATES! )

yep... drives with NCQ drives and 16MB buffers... Maxtor and Seagate already have these out... they're at least 20-25% faster than a SATA 7200RPM, 8mb cache drive of today and they're at about .75 cents per GB... which is what non-NCQ 8mb cache drives were at until recently.
TheMasterRat said:
I'm wondering... Seems there are a lot of HD deals going on... Something coming down the pipe?

Yes, but you don't want it, it's the clap ;)
maybe next time i tell her its going to come out my hard drive, i should warn her about the burning sensation?
I bought one of these drives last time, for 115$ :mad:

Damn nice deal, I need more storage but no $$$
All these hard drive deals are going on cause manufacturers are getting rid of all their 1 year warranty drives. After IBM RMAed all their deathstar drives, and sold that business to hitachi, many companies dropped theyre warranty down to one year pretty much on lots of their normal drives (Maxtor/Western Digital). Theyre coming back out with 3 year warranty hard drives, and liquidating the other models.
that would hold true, exept the seagates at outpost have a 5 year warranty. Limited warranty, but it is still 5 years.
vbrtrmn said:
if i get five, i can have my own home terrabyte :)

good math skills, on the fly and everything. Now if Jimmy has 6 of these and 2 crash, but he only RMA's 1, how many 6gb movies can he store?
vbrtrmn said:
if i get five, i can have my own home terrabyte :)
You know - I do not remember Intel offering a math coprocessor on 386 systems. Takes me way back.
IDversusEGO said:
good math skills, on the fly and everything. Now if Jimmy has 6 of these and 2 crash, but he only RMA's 1, how many 6gb movies can he store?

Three with an install of Windows XP SP2 :)
Nomad said:
You know - I do not remember Intel offering a math coprocessor on 386 systems. Takes me way back.

I remember having to plug the math co-processor into the second socket on my old POS 386 :)
Nomad said:
You know - I do not remember Intel offering a math coprocessor on 386 systems. Takes me way back.
You guys have short memories, or you're just young whippersnappers. :p

The 386 DX had a co-proc, the 386 SX (at least the early versions) was a DX with the co-proc lines snipped.

Yes, I'm an old phart. :)
Hooligan said:
yep... drives with NCQ drives and 16MB buffers... Maxtor and Seagate already have these out... they're at least 20-25% faster than a SATA 7200RPM, 8mb cache drive of today and they're at about .75 cents per GB... which is what non-NCQ 8mb cache drives were at until recently.

You almost made me hesitate. However, my comptuer does not run serial ATA and my motherboard is circa 1999. So those of us with older systems, this maybe as good as it gets.
Eh... There is always something faster out there. I'm sure a nice dual 64bit system would do things faster too, but I'm not paying that much to play Doom3 after work.

placed my order yesterday when this first hit the forums, and it's due delivered to the office tomorrow.
geeze said:
Limit 1 per household, what bunk. Is this offer also in the store?
as of today, it is in the newspaper add. It is not advertised as a maxtor, but it is a 100gb ata133 drive for 89.99 no rebates.
yep, its back at frys
now if only i could pricematch this with my local best buy... i could really use another 200gb drive :p
Here's some more info

I personally picked up the last one off the shelf this morning at the Fountain Valley Fry's off the 405. However there is also another deal that I saw in the store that was not advertised in the paper. They have Western Digital 160gig hard drives for the same price of 89.99 in store. So if your desperate for a drive there was tons of those, but all the 200 gig maxtors seemed to be gone off the shelves.

Happy Hunting