Maximum Virtual Disks for 1 VM


Limp Gawd
Jul 15, 2008
Is there a hard limit for the number of virtual disks I can assign to 1 Virtual Machine, preferably under VMWorkstation? I ask as I was trying to assign a 6th hard drive to a WHS-VM and Workstation reports back "Disk Controller is Full."
IIRC, the base scsi card in workstation is a basic scsi-2 one... so 7 per controller, -1 ID for the controller itself.

Switch the scsi device node to something else to create a second scsi controller.
Thanks, I was incredibly confused when that message came up earlier. If I may ask, how do I change the node? Is it through manual editing or is it in the Add/Remove devices area?

Edit: Never Mind, found it under Advanced Hard Disk Settings.
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