maximum files/folders on desktop in XP?


Apr 6, 2004
I was wondering if anyone knows what the limitations in XP are for maximum files and folders on the desktop? I know I've read it somewhere, but cant seem to find it. I've heard you can have problems when you reach the maximum which is why its best to store folders elsewhere and only create shortcuts to them on the desktop:confused:
I was wondering if anyone knows what the limitations in XP are for maximum files and folders on the desktop? I know I've read it somewhere, but cant seem to find it. I've heard you can have problems when you reach the maximum which is why its best to store folders elsewhere and only create shortcuts to them on the desktop:confused:

Why would you want a messy desktop? I know it's hard to keep it clean once you are used to a decent amount of icons, but to have it completely filled up....:eek:
I don't believe there's a max, but as said, why would you want to clutter it up? Aside from being but ugly and unorganized, in OSes past, it would slow your boot time down, because it had to redraw all those icons as your desktop loaded.
ahmen, and whats even worse is you may mistakenly put files in a folder inadvertantly, then you'll be looking for the file on your desktop which will look like a registry.
My desktop is clean I was just wondering what the limitations are since I see lots of people who have the desktop maxed out with icons:eek: