Max Payne 3: Dramatic Chilling Simulator

Thinking back there were a ton of times in the game I ended up in cool "relaxed" positions and just laid there shooting people in the head :)
reminds me of all those tv commercials that used the "matrix spin" camera effect after the movie was released...
I took this picture a couple of days ago in the exact same area as the video!

Max Payne 3 First Person Shooting Mode!!! :)

It is imperative that you chill, dramatically.

I know this is stupid, but I laughed at this. I don't know why. But I did. YMMV. :D
I watched it and laughed, watched it again, and then laughed some more!

It's a shame that there's no "chillin'" or "couch potato" acheivement or something like that. Or, they should have added an Al Bundy animation where you stick your free hand in your pants when the game detects you on a couch and you sit there long enough. Oh well.