Massive FS Thread

I have received no money nor an email from anybody today regarding the Dacal CD Library. If someone wants it, its up for grabs again.

What do you have? I'm mainly looking for money, but I'm always up for new things.

I own a computer repair shop, so I've got all kinds of things. Looking for anything in particular? Maybe some fans? Some CCFL kits? Split loom? I dunno, think of something.
Is that "flexable keyboard" one of those rubber "roll up" keyboards? if so, I'm interested, PM me and lets talk about payment and shipping
Sold items have been updated (LOTS more sold).

Prices have been dropped.

Wanting to get rid of the rest of this stuff..

If any of you guys are wondering, its been hectic lately. I have school from 8am to 2pm, then work from 3pm to 9pm everyday, and I open and close on weekends. So its extremely difficult to make the half hour drive to the shipping company when I am in school before they open, and at work until after they close. I finally have a day off tomorrow, which means I am finally getting my second wave of shipping done, which will be:

-Commodore Monitor (still havent found a box that fits this thing).

-2 RAQ Servers

-2 Cisco Routers

-MSI TV Tuner

-Watercooling Kit

-HDD Brackets

-IDE Raid Controller

-Antec Sonata II

-s754 SLI motherboard

-Flexible keyboard

12 things getting shipped, to two different countries, 4 different states, and for 4 different websites. lol.
Well what else do you have? Any big server cases, mice, keyboards, something cool, gadgets, anything?

I can't really think of anything specific I need in that price range.. You gotta throw some ideas out! :D
Well, you siad you needed storage, so how about I mail you some FREE UPS boxes? :p

Lemme look around and see what I have here. Maybe a CPU or 2? I have some socket A, P4, etc....
Hmm.. I'm not really needing anything in the CPU field..

Unless you have a C2D that you want the dacal cd library and some money for? :D
Thanks. You want anything? I've got plenty more as well.. lol. I, at one point, had over 28 computers. And thousands of pieces of computers. Have a lot of it still!
got any pics of the Celeron system? I may be interested.

Actually, the P4 system too. Dell case....does that mean a dell system, or is it one of those mATX boxes that was more-or-less non-proprietary?

Here's to hoping for more specs and pics.
I'll get them for you. I'm at work now. PM me your email addy and I will send em to you tonight.
my preference is the P4've got a PM with my email

Also, not sure if it'd drop the price much/at all, but if it would, you can omit the hdd and CDRW and CD-ROM. I've got an 80gb IDE, and 2 SATA drives I plan on tossing in there, as well as a if I can drop enough to put something meaningful towards a SATA card and DVDRW, that'd be good for me.
I have recieved your PM. Will work on getting those pics tonight. I'll see what I can do about taking those parts off for you. I'd like to get rid of the system as a whole, but maybe we can work on something.

Not a problem. I'll take them if I have to, I'm just not going to be using them. I figured if you took them out over there, you could soup up the celeron system a bit. Doesn't bother me either way. Still waiting on the pics...I'm guessing you haven't taken them yet.

An internal shot is what's most important to me...I gotta figure out if/how I can fit all my drives in the system (easily vs. with mods)

*edit* Also, I hate to try to rush you, but if it's possible, I'd like to have either internal shots or at least specs on the Dell (either if it's a Dell Dimension 4300 or whatever I can go off of that, or if it's another mobo inside a dell chassis, the model number of the mobo) before 3PM Central...I've got my eye on something on ebay that ends at 5PM...but I have to head to class at 3:30...and I'd much prefer to shop on the [H].
Sending the pictures via email right now.

Updated first post, separated sold items from unsold items. Lowered a lot of prices! Want to sell these things quickly.
thanks for the pics.

Unfortunately, I don't think I'm going to be able to fit what I needed to in the system.

However, I'm passing this along to a couple friends of mine that I know are looking into upgrades from their sub 1ghz systems. I know this is in their budget.
Alright sounds good. I have a few other larger cases I could potentially put this system into also if your interested. However, they are mostly generic looking older cases.
