Mass Effect is coming to PC (May 2008)

Another console/pc cross developed game, I make 2 predictions about this game.

1) It will have absolutely terrible mouse acceleration
2) It wont support correct 16:10 widescreen

Another console/pc cross developed game, I make 2 predictions about this game.

1) It will have absolutely terrible mouse acceleration
2) It wont support correct 16:10 widescreen


The Witcher doesn't have either of these issues and uses the exact same engine that Mass Effect does. The compatibility issues of the engine have already been ironed out by this game, so Mass Effect should not have any general issues such as those.
The Witcher doesn't have either of these issues and uses the exact same engine that Mass Effect does. The compatibility issues of the engine have already been ironed out by this game, so Mass Effect should not have any general issues such as those.

Everyone should be playing The Witcher instead of Mass Effect anyways. =P
Another console/pc cross developed game, I make 2 predictions about this game.

1) It will have absolutely terrible mouse acceleration
2) It wont support correct 16:10 widescreen


This is a Bioware game, and considering all the great PC games that they've made in the past I think you should give them the benefit of the doubt. Were you satisfied with KotOR?
The Witcher doesn't have either of these issues and uses the exact same engine that Mass Effect does. The compatibility issues of the engine have already been ironed out by this game, so Mass Effect should not have any general issues such as those.

Mass effect uses the Unreal Engine 3 and The Witcher uses the Aurora engine, completely different types of engines.


- -I was retarded here too.- -
Mass effect uses the Unreal Engine 3 and The Witcher uses the Aurora engine, completely different types of engines.

I don't think 16:10 res' will be an issue, considering the Xbox360 ouputs 16:10 too.

After some googling you're right. I am pretty surprised Bioware wouldn't use their own engine. Not saying the Unreal engine is bad, in fact it keeps my confidence in the port since we know it runs well on all platforms.
I don't think 16:10 res' will be an issue, considering the Xbox360 ouputs 16:10 too.

720p is 16:9


all 16:9. I dont think the Xbox does 1360x768, but thats a common HDTV/monitor res thats also 16:9
Right, but when using the VGA cable, there are more res options available, including 1440x900 and 1680x1050.

u must have a special xbox then because mine certainly does not show 1680x1050 as a supported resolution using the vga cable.
u must have a special xbox then because mine certainly does not show 1680x1050 as a supported resolution using the vga cable.

Whoops, I was a bit buzzed when I wrote that, and it has since worn off.

I retract that statement, and after some research, it does not.

Ignore the drunk man. :p
The Witcher doesn't have either of these issues and uses the exact same engine that Mass Effect does. The compatibility issues of the engine have already been ironed out by this game, so Mass Effect should not have any general issues such as those.

See below.

After some googling you're right. I am pretty surprised Bioware wouldn't use their own engine. Not saying the Unreal engine is bad, in fact it keeps my confidence in the port since we know it runs well on all platforms.

A note on this, Bioshock used the Unreal 3 engine yet was lumped with insane mouse acceleration, I don't recall issues with supported resolutions but I do remember them typically gimping the field of view, this happened in UT3 as well, in fact that's not correctly fixed even to this day (max fov of 100 isn't quite enough for 16:10 users who want the same vertical view as 5:4 or 4:3 users)

I was going to bring up the FOV issue as well but I think mass effect is a 3rd person game? (I don't know much about it actually) and FOV is usualy less of an issue with 3rd person views.

This is a Bioware game, and considering all the great PC games that they've made in the past I think you should give them the benefit of the doubt. Were you satisfied with KotOR?

Never played.

720p is 16:9


all 16:9. I dont think the Xbox does 1360x768, but thats a common HDTV/monitor res thats also 16:9

Yup, standard widescreen for TV, movies and consoles is 16:9 and for PC's it's 16:10, why game developers don't know this is beyond me...
Does Mass Effect play like KOTOR? Or more similar to NWN?

Can anyone who has played this answer this question? I love RPG's, but I'm a minority when it came to KOTOR and it's sequel as I couldn't get into either one. I wanted to have an idea so I know whether I need to wait until it hits the bargain bins... ;)
I don't care what anyone says. I am just ecstatic that the PC is still getting some lovin'

I'm buying it on release day. Score another for the PC Gaming master race!
I was going to bring up the FOV issue as well but I think mass effect is a 3rd person game? (I don't know much about it actually) and FOV is usualy less of an issue with 3rd person views.

Yup, it does matter for third person games. The default FOV for 16:10 modes in Gears of War for PC is just as fucked up as the defaults for Bioshock and UT3. If you use the console to set it to the correct FOV, the difference is immediately apparent, and huge (you end up actually seeing all of Marcus, instead of the top half only).

These incorrect default FOVs are actually more apparent in third person games, so I sincerely hope Bioware isn't so damn stupid as to lock the FOV. Given how this has been handled in UE3 so far, I'm not expecting any improvement.
Can anyone who has played this answer this question? I love RPG's, but I'm a minority when it came to KOTOR and it's sequel as I couldn't get into either one. I wanted to have an idea so I know whether I need to wait until it hits the bargain bins... ;)
In some ways yes and in other ways no. In KOTOR you control a squad of three. You cue up orders and then the characters animate them in real time, but while the animations are real time, the stuff going on in the background was actually turn based D&D rules.

Mass Effect is a bit different. Combat is fully real time and perspective is more RE4 over-the-shoulder style. You're also manually aiming your weapon instead of just selecting which character to attack (although there is a heavy amount of auto-aim). You can only directly control the main character, but you can issue move orders and manage special abilities directly for your party members. One of the big similarities between the two is the ability to pause the game at any point and issue commands. For me, the way I played the combat had a lot to do with what class I chose. The soldier is more run and gun and the combat felt more GRAW with that class. Adepts are heavily reliant on skills though, and I found myself pausing the action frequently to manage my skills and the skills of my teammates. Playing the Adept class really felt very much like KOTOR.

The best way to think about the combat is somewhere between GRAW and KOTOR, if you can imagine that. It's not as fluid as GRAW, but neither is it as twitch based. It's not as passive as KOTOR, but it's not quite as deep either. It's a unique system and I think a lot of people were disappointed because they were expecting one extreme or the other and not the middle road that they took with it. It takes a bit getting used to, especially since there isn't really any sort of tutorial, but FWIW I thought it worked pretty well for the type of game that Mass Effect is.

The other side to KOTOR's gameplay was the whole quest and conversations system. Mass Effect retains the threaded dialogue, but it's much more streamlined and fluid. Instead of reading a list of choices you choose the type of reaction you want the character to have and then watch the dialogue take place. Quests are a bit different too. While KOTOR had you running back and forth between a lot of different rooms for all sorts of quests, Mass Effect is much more focused with it's main storyline. Side quests in Mass Effect are secondary to the main story while in KOTOR they felt more intertwined. You're not really intended to complete all of Mass Effects side quests and if you try and do so you'll start noticing that a lot of the art is re-used.
Thanks for the thorough reply. I think I'll wait until it hits the $25 or below price, but I'll definitely pick it up.
They shuold have an update to the 360 with that inventory update if its better. Cuz it seriously sucked.
Another console/pc cross developed game, I make 2 predictions about this game.

1) It will have absolutely terrible mouse acceleration
2) It wont support correct 16:10 widescreen


It's a fucking RPG. Stop whining and worrying and have fun.
Awesome! I haven't played a PC RPG since Oblivion... I'm really looking forward to this.

Go out and buy the The Witcher if you have not yet,its well worth the cash.I cant wait to pick up a copy of ME for the PC,I played it almost to its end on a friends 360 and loved it.
This is awesome! I have been waiting for this, even though I already have a 360, I want some games for my PC. My GTS 512 is hungry...:D
omg, yes!!! this is one game that got me really pissed off because it didn't seem like it would ever come out on pc, BUT, i guess i was wrong! can't wait!