Mass Effect 3 - NZXT Switch 810 Mod

Update !

I have a new Update for you guys and this is a BIG one! "Mass Effect 3 -NZXT Switch 810 Mod" is now Alive !!!!

Also for those of you the haven't seen it ,Not only did Venom make Maximum PC Magazine but now Mass Effect 3 build has also. (Really wish they had these Photo's below though)

Here is a link to the Maximum PC Magazine Article:

This Update i would like to thank EKWB, Mayhem's and Primochill since they are the ones that made this Update Possible.

First off i mixed Mayhem's Pastel Ice White concentrate with roughly 2 quarts of PrimoChill Base/Deionized Water

Next i mixed 1 Bottle of Concentrated Mayhem's light Red Pastel to another 2 quarts of PrimoChill Base/Deionized Water
and then added 2 bottles of Mayhem's Red Dye to get the red i needed 20ML (Not all was used in build)

And finally the shots of Her Running in all her Glory ! (Build is not complete . Just some cosmetic stuff to do and she is all done)

Really hope you guys Like it so far, And again still More to come so Keep Watching !

I am not into molding cases, but after this, I'm sold! You my friend, are very talented. Cool that you involved your kid too
Thank you Mate and yeah his little online name is MybadOwen :) of course he wants to be like his daddy. And his build when he is a little older will be Transformers Bumblebee Theme unless he changes his mind. That's why i didn't use that Theme with Venom. Its being saved for my son. But when he can run the tools a little safer first.
I have a question... how do you gets sponsored? I would love to get sponsored myself to build some amazing cases and eyefinity setups... any tips? :)
To answer the Sponsorship question all the hardware in this build was paid for by me not to mention the Many many many hours of work. Sponsors help allot but don't expect a free ride because that's not how it works. There are guides on how to obtain sponsorship if you look around but i believe it happens different ways for different people. I did a bunch of builds that got me noticed.That's how i obtained my first sponsors.

Hope i helped in some way


Huge thanks to Razer and there Generosity donating some Razer Mass Effect Gear to the build:

Here is what they Donated to the Build as they seen the build and thought it would be a great match. I totally agree! :

Razer Black Widow Ultimate Keyboard "Mass Effect 3 Edition"

The Normandy SR2 is Commander Shepard’s starship and a quick maneuvering vehicle great for traversing the galaxy, getting the team extracted from hot zones, and dropping behind enemy lines. Just like the Normandy, the Razer BlackWidow Ultimate Mass Effect 3 Edition gaming keyboard is a state-of-the-art weapon with full-fledged heavy-duty mechanical key infrastructure. When it delivers crisp, tactile feedback and faster keystroke actuation, this revolutionary, fully backlit gaming keyboard accomplishes your mission with razor-sharp efficiency.

Razer Imperator Mouse "Mass Effect 3 Edition"

The war for Earth has begun, and only Commander Shepard stands between the Reapers and Earth’s total annihilation in Mass Effect 3. Use the Razer Imperator Mass Effect 3 Edition gaming mouse to give yourself the better edge and dispatch your ruthless enemies before they render all life extinct. The Razer Imperator ME3 Edition has been exclusively emblazoned with the iconic N7 logo, bestowed only upon the highest-ranking soldiers of the Systems Alliance military, displayed on Shepard’s Armor, and now in your capable hand.

Razer Vespula Mouse Pad "Mass Effect 3 Edition"

In Mass Effect 3, Commander Shepard and his team will face their greatest challenge yet - the Reapers. The Razer Vespula dual-sided gaming mouse mat is the perfect way to ensure that you’re prepared for each battle. Get neck-breaking acceleration under your mouse with the SPEED side to hit the enemies before they can react, or deliver precise headshots with the measured movement of the CONTROL side. Exclusively designed in pitch-black finish with the iconic N7 logo and stripes displayed on Shepard’s Armor, the Razer Vespula Mass Effect 3 Edition readies both you and your mouse for the war to take Earth back.

For more info on Razer's Great Products check out these Links:

Take Care Guys and just working on the window and Decals for the build and you will see them as soon as they are done!

Sweet mod. I can't believe this hasn't gotten BioWare's attention.
Thanks, for the info... so you just do great work and they come to you? or did you have to actually ask them at one point? And yes I figured a lot of it would be from your own pocket... By the way awesome build!!!

Still More to come on this build Guys. Just waiting on a few things and been hard at work designing them. I should have the rest of the stuff soon and hopefully it will really make the build Pop! If not back to the drawing board.

Also would like to Thank the Sponsors that helped make this build possible with this Photo that "gr3nd3l" Put together for me.


Also Special Thanks to "Kaged" for helping me once again with the Decals for this build and working with me to get them just right.

And of course Thank You to all the People that follow my builds and my work and that support me through the builds.Good and the Bad.


Just a small update is all but the build and Theme is coming together now. Also the back door makes sure there is no confusion on what company makes the case.

I also like to thank my buddy Kaged that helped me with making the masking for Venom and also help design and make the ME3 Decals also. He is also teaching me to use my own Plotter so i can some day do it myself :)

Ok Me and Kaged have been talking for a while again deciding on idea's for the Vinyl decals again but this time for the outside of the case. There were many Decals made but at the end i am not sure which will be used and which wont. but so far some are on for sure.

Ok so today i 3M Wrapped the back door of the case which was a pain by myself but i got it done. Also i added Decals to the front and the back panel. I am very aware there is a space above my Antec Veris (Still working on that)

Ok i will shut up and show the Photos because that's what you all really want to see :)









Well that's it for now. Hoping to have the build completed by Monday just waiting on the window is all and a couple small fixes.

Keep watching its not over yet ! Plus there will soon be a Nice Photo shoot done by my Aunt for me (Photographer)

I went through this whole thread and then realized you've been on the forum 4 months.

*tips hat* Excellent work sir.
This build is just .. well, I don't have the words - so I will just leave it at "incredibly awesome!"
Want to show you guys it finished sooo Bad! Please Keep watching. I am waiting still for parts that got delayed.

''Warning these photo's are just crappy ones from my iPhone good shots will be taken later and posted''.

First off really want to thank my Sponsor/Friend at Primochill for doing the etching for me.Highly appreciated Mate.

Well finally the update that puts everything together. I designed a window that i wanted etched and spaced everything so it wouldn't ruin the view of important stuff inside like my EK Parts ,Plextor SSD's etc.
Anyway my great Sponsor Primochill got me this window overnight so i could complete the Build by Monday and as you can see he never fails me. Thank you Primochill for the great job.

Anyway its not totally complete a few small things to do plus a Photo shoot with the matching Keyboard,Mouse etc from Razer.

Here was the Black NZXT Switch 810 i received:


and here it is now:

Here is the Mass Effect 3 -NZXT Switch 810 Mod

The package that i thought would be very late actually came right away!


And the Window all cut to size i requested and etching exactly where i wanted it.










Best i can do for now till the Photo shoot but believe me . It looks a Million times better then the Photos:

And this ones for you NZXT for giving me this project in the first place and being more then just a sponsor to me.



Thank all you guys so much for supporting me and being my friend through this build and the past builds.

There should be 2 more Posts before Completion and then the Grand Finally the Photo shoot finally done right. Any Updates after that will just be any achievements that the Build happens to get . If any :) I imagine thats up to my followers to Vote for me.

Take Care and sorry no better Photo's yet. But really hoping you guys like what i did with the window.

Update ! (Sorta)

Hiya Guys i got a chance to get everything outside today and actually use the PC for a while today. I decided to set everything up and get some better Photos (From an iPhone).

So i wont say much here i will just post a ton of Photos .

Enjoy and hope you like it !

























Still will be Better Photo's to come but this build is Officially complete although you may see me do some small stuff here and there to it.

Thank you to all my Great Sponsors that have all been a pleasure to work with.

Thank you to all the people who Followed all my threads including this one.

Thank you to the new people that just noticed my work and took the time to look over the work logs.

Please don't forget a have a new Build log opening soon and that will be a Dimastech easy/hard 2.5 Bench Mod (Dont Miss it)

Your Friend,

Thank You Razer

I know the build is complete but i wanted to add this quick thank you to Razer for their donation of the Mouse Keyboard and Mouse pad that has its own update in the index that gives more information about the Products. This update is just to show off how nice it looks with the Mass Effect 3 NZXT Switch 810 Mod. I also used the mouse and keyboard for many hours now and it is smooth as glass and the keyboard ,OMG talk about nice.

For more information on Razer's Amazing Products see links below. I can proudly and honestly give you my word they are high quality incredible products. Mass Effect ones being the best of course :). Lol honestly even if your not a Mass Effect 3 Lover the only thing it has is N7 and Carbon Fiber so even non ME3 lovers will like them.

Anyway Thank You Again Razer and hope you enjoy the build and this little update:


Razer Black Widow Ultimate Keyboard "Mass Effect 3 Edition"


Razer Imperator Mouse & Razer Vespula Mouse Pad "Mass Effect 3 Edition"


Take Care guys and again i hope you all love the build it was ALLOT of work and i would say it was a success.


Some More Cool Photos id like to share,







Take care and sorry if you seen some of them.
