masking port 80

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Mar 19, 2005
what up well not much here... im not sure iif im in the right place to be asking about this but im not sure how to mask port 80.. and im looking to learn how.. where could i find out how or is someone her willing to help me learn how ^-^ ?
~JerMaine~BennyBennyBopBop~mindgames~CBP~e-f@g :p
Wow. Great first post. ;) What do you mean by "mask port 80"? What exactly are you trying to do? Is this for a single computer or for an entire network? Do you want to block incoming or outgoing traffic?
well its for my webserver at home... that way my internet company cant tell i have to much incomming traffic....
Again, what exactly are you trying to do? If you block port 80 then how are people going to access your server? Your isp can see everything you do on the internet since everything goes through them. People can't get to your website without going through your isp, so they are going to know exactly how much incoming traffic you have.
i know this but i was told theres away of masking it so they think it just regular traffic.. im not sure if its the right tirm im useing or even the right port im talking about im very new to this im not sure....
most isp's block incoming port 80 traffic for residential lines. actually, most usually block 21, 25, 80, 110 and 143 incoming to prevent you from running a mail/web/or ftp server. this would require you to run your web server on a non standard port, or ssl your whole site so everything is on port 443. this still won't mask/hide the traffic. you go through them for access, they see everything you do no matter what port it is or how hard you try.
k yes i know that they dont aloue you to do this but with my provider i can.. not sure why i just can LMAo... anywho... theres no way of making it so that they cant tell wether or not its me or another person accessing my website off my computer (bot sure if i worded that right or not).... im not sure maybe im just not talking about the right subject or something... and im a little confused ill talking to my friend who sed something about it he told me to look here for help on what it is and how to do it.. so... ill just have to ask him a nother place to look...hehe anywho thanks for the help you guys hav given me so far...and if theres anymore you guys can tell me please do.. anyother questions you might need to ask to help me figure out what im doing shoot cuz i CONFUZED hehe
i guess i i could added... that i trying to hide the fact i have a web sever on my ISP so ionno if that makes a diffrents in what you guys are telling me or not?.. but i guess thats what im trying to do...
We're not going to help you circumvent your ISP's terms of service.

Oh, and your lime green text and (ab)use of the English language are giving me a headache.
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