Mario Maker. Probably the greatest thing to happen to gaming in a long time.

Video looks cool. I like the concept but ...

The user created levels for Super Meat Boy are not fun. Almost all of them force a perfect 74 step execution or death. I can easily see this falling in that same trap.

If this game has a good set of built in levels / modes and Nintendo curates the user content effectively it will be great.
I'm sure it won't be as bad as Super Meat Boy, where that fan-base is largely composed of masochists :p
This is the sorta game I dreamed about as a kid playing Mario Paint. Should be cool (just wish I could experience it as a kid!).
i wonder if they increased the level size. it seemed a little small on the old videos but either way, i am definitely getting it
I do hope for a cross implementation with the 3ds.

They did it well with mario vs donkey kong.
So, is there a way to play your levels as 1 game, like a custom Mario challenge? If you go to coursebot and play a level, none of your coins or 1 ups transfer to the next level.
So, is there a way to play your levels as 1 game, like a custom Mario challenge? If you go to coursebot and play a level, none of your coins or 1 ups transfer to the next level.

I think they just have the 100 Mario challenge so far.
We kind of outgrew Mario a few years ago. Seems pretty dated and aimed at younger players.

I recently played through Galaxies in the past month and the game still holds up quite well, and I don't ever see myself 'outgrowing' mario.

And while the newer ones may be 'aimed at younger players'; Younger players hate the game from what I find because it's too difficult and not as immediately rewarding as most other shovelware AAA titles these days.

Mario Maker in particular is aimed at an older crowd IMO.
my daughter loves this game.

Yep, mine too. Great game for a 7 yr old, once i got her used to the concepts she loves it. Me? I got bored after about 30 mins. But the levels some people crank out are impressive.
Im glad someone bumped this thread.... I didnt know about this game and now its making me want to go buy a wii and play it.
I broke out my old snes recently and have been playing mario kart and super mario on there. Watching this is making me want to play the older games though.
Outgrew Mario? What are you some kind of monster?

My thoughts exactly! No proper sentient or intelligent entity in its right mind would "outgrow" Mario. :rolleyes: Must be some sort of socio/psycho-path...

I'll be 39 next month. My brother and I still play Mario games all the time when we get together. (Granted there is usually a little wine or scotch involved) I play them on my own. My kids love them. Friends and I have spent many a semi-drunken late night running off of the same platform repeatedly after all hand-eye-coordination has left us, and giggling like the proverbial "little gehls"!

I'm typically someone that values other peoples' opinions, perspectives, etc. but in a case like Mario, this means that something is wrong with you. Seek help immediately!
I'm typically someone that values other peoples' opinions, perspectives, etc. but in a case like Mario, this means that something is wrong with you. Seek help immediately!

He was probably one of those freaky Sega kids who preferred Sonic over Mario.
My thoughts exactly! No proper sentient or intelligent entity in its right mind would "outgrow" Mario. :rolleyes: Must be some sort of socio/psycho-path...

I'll be 39 next month. My brother and I still play Mario games all the time when we get together. (Granted there is usually a little wine or scotch involved) I play them on my own. My kids love them. Friends and I have spent many a semi-drunken late night running off of the same platform repeatedly after all hand-eye-coordination has left us, and giggling like the proverbial "little gehls"!

I'm typically someone that values other peoples' opinions, perspectives, etc. but in a case like Mario, this means that something is wrong with you. Seek help immediately!

meh, im 37 and pretty much been over mario for about a decade. I think the last one I enjoyed was on the gamecube. Never could bring myself to finish or bother with any other new ones. And i grew up on it being a staple. When mario went 3d, i was stoked and played N64 to death, then it just got old. Don't know why. Yes i know there are 2D marios still, but just hasnt been the same.
^ With regard to it getting old after going 3D, I think part of that was that Mario 64 was good enough to firmly root itself as a metric by which other 3D platformers could be judged. I don't know if that can be said about subsequent Mario titles. Hell of a legacy to surpass.
^ With regard to it getting old after going 3D, I think part of that was that Mario 64 was good enough to firmly root itself as a metric by which other 3D platformers could be judged. I don't know if that can be said about subsequent Mario titles. Hell of a legacy to surpass.

Nah 3D platformers have far far surpassed Mario 64 it's not even funny. Even on the N64 it' self there were 3D platformers much better than Mario 64. It was only notable for being the first (on N64), and a launch game at that.
meh, im 37 and pretty much been over mario for about a decade. I think the last one I enjoyed was on the gamecube. Never could bring myself to finish or bother with any other new ones. And i grew up on it being a staple. When mario went 3d, i was stoked and played N64 to death, then it just got old. Don't know why. Yes i know there are 2D marios still, but just hasnt been the same.

Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are amazing. I'd put them up there with the Half-Lifes, BioShocks, GTAs or whatever you'd consider the pinnacle of gaming greatness.

You’re missing out.
I'll quote Michael Bolton right here, and say "I guess I kinda like 'em all."

There were platformers on the N64 that had this or that improved mechanic, level of graphics, etc. but I still feel like Mario 64 was overall the best on the platform. It's one of those more than the sum of its parts sorta deals. I can still play it and have a blast whereas I lose interest in many of the other ones (like Banjo, DK, etc.)

The Galaxy games were great (especially Galaxy 2,) Sunshine was also great. 3D World is a blast too. I still play the newer 2D ones too, and they're great, but Super Mario World is still my favorite 2D Mario game.
What is a legit price to pay for a used Wii U? Craiglist pricing; not Gamestop. I have a Bayonetta itch even though I've never played one of the games.
What is a legit price to pay for a used Wii U? Craiglist pricing; not Gamestop. I have a Bayonetta itch even though I've never played one of the games.

I don't know, but I'd say the console is still worth its new price. (not trying to sway you either way, but it definitely has a very solid library now)

Bayonetta 2 is EXCELLENT! I'm actually playing it through for my third time now after a little break from my second play (in between projects and other games). It's definitely a blast, and almost worth picking up the system just for it. Never thought I'd say that about this style of game, but it just has a certain magic to it. It makes me laugh a lot, it's gorgeous, the mechanics are spot on. The music and dialog are weird, but that's part of the charm.

Don't know if you like WipeOut/Extreme G/F-Zero types of games, but Fast Racing Neo just came out on it too for $20 and is a lot of fun. (then of course all the first party games)

Hopefully someone can chime in on a good used price for you. I think you'll be happy with your purchase.
Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are amazing. I'd put them up there with the Half-Lifes, BioShocks, GTAs or whatever you'd consider the pinnacle of gaming greatness.

You’re missing out.

Super mario 3d land on the 3ds is super fun as well.
Super Mario Galaxy 1 & 2 are amazing. I'd put them up there with the Half-Lifes, BioShocks, GTAs or whatever you'd consider the pinnacle of gaming greatness.

You’re missing out.

I'm always dumbfounded as to how stupid Nintendo can be for actually milking their games out.

I'd pay good money for a Galaxies HD redo on the WiiU. It's a great looking game technically, but the crap 480 resolution kills it even with good scaling. Such an outstanding game and with a simple resolution increase to 1080p it would look really good.
I'm always dumbfounded as to how stupid Nintendo can be for actually milking their games out.

I'd pay good money for a Galaxies HD redo on the WiiU. It's a great looking game technically, but the crap 480 resolution kills it even with good scaling. Such an outstanding game and with a simple resolution increase to 1080p it would look really good.

Dolphin. I also would prefer they just did an HD version for the WiiU, but Dolphin is a pretty good alternative in some cases. That said, I still just play it in 480 because it's easier. :D
I'm so glad I don't have hangups about resolution and can enjoy a great game no matter the era that they are from. I still fire up Kirby's Block Ball and Wario Land on the 3DS and have as much fun with the games in sub SD resolutions as I did when the games first came out.
What is a legit price to pay for a used Wii U? Craiglist pricing; not Gamestop. I have a Bayonetta itch even though I've never played one of the games.
You can get a refurbished one from Nintendo for $200. They look brand new. No way GameStop can beat that.