Manual Server Migration


Apr 30, 2005
Not sure if this is the proper place, but I'm looking for help. I've never had to migrate information to a different server before. I am trying to find out what the process typically is so I know what to expect. I also would love advice on how to make it a faster process. We're a online business and I would like to not have the site down too terribly long. We've got between 4-5 gigs on the server that need to be transfered. Thanks!

And the host is requiring it be done manually.
first off, what exactly are you migrating? files? a database?

second, what type work does this server do? Web? database? file Server? other?

third, what platform are you migrating from and to? What OS are both servers running? are they the same OS (e.g. Windows box to Windows box) or are they completely different (Windows box to Linux box)?
What OS's are involved?
If your wanting to migrate the OS and some data you could look into some sort of imaging software.
I'm moving an entire e-commerce website, files and databases. everything but the shopping cart program. Its already installed on the new server.

Its a shared hosting server running Linux, same as the one we are migrating from.
I'm about to do something similar, what are my options for making mirrors to move the sites over quickly? I literally am moving files over to the new server folder and file by file...very painstakingly slow...
1. Copy everything over
2. Configure servers/services - double check permissions.
3. Test everything as thoroughly as possible
4. Update DNS
5. Profit
shell access + tar = win, but most shared hosting doesn't have shell access :/