Man Rigs Package With Car Alarm To Catch Thief

Every package dropped off at a UPS is supposed to be opened and inspected (though they often are not), so this was rather pointless.
I call bullshit on your "supposed to be opened and inspected" crap, and looks like so does UPS management.
Humm i would have made it have a light sensor not a switch like he did that way even if they drop kicked the package and horribly distorted it then there is no way it would go off...
Hahaha nice the guy is kinda lucky that it went as he thought it did and not how the store manager excused it. On that thought would not the proper procedure with a package making a noise like that be to xray it or call in a security personel or even the police and bomb squad to evaluate it incase it is a mail bomb...

And i would think that after this he has sufficent legal evidence to get some sort of compensation for the thief stealing his broken laptop...
isnt ups and fedex treated as mail carriers so opening and stealing other peoples mail be federal offences?

Got into a discussion for something like that before. It's only a federal offense if it was opened by a civilian, not if it was done by the carrier people themselves. surprises there, UPS is unionized. Might as well be commie central with spread the wealth and all that pinko commie bs.
BTW, the article in question was about a guy in california that got arrested for pedophilia when the courier opened his package and found manga inside (If you've read manga or watched anime, you know they can be rather explicit).
If the guy rigged this alarm with a contact pad that detaches when the box is opened and sets off the alarm, would that be enough proof?
bootleg that is exactly what the guy in this ones article did he put a frame with a car alarm a small marine 12v battery and a microphone in a box with a presure plate on top when the presure was released the alarm said "halt package thief" and sirened it recorded the sound of a knife cutting the tape on the box...

Sly your thinking of a diffrent article this one and its update are about a man who sent in a laptop for repair and got back a soda and some sheets and had the ups store and ups say there is nothing they could do... so he came up with this plan to catch them red handed with thier hand in a cookie jar.

And there is a very limited array of reasons usp fedex and usps can open your packages i did some looking and media mail can be opened to check for if it meets the requirement for media mail packages can be opened only if contraband is suspected or if it is leaking. But all of them have alot of paperwork that has to be filled out.

I would not be suprised if the 4 employees who got fired were also not charged with some felonys. Either way if there are any remaining employees at that store i suspect they are very uncomfortable right now...