Man Hurt by Exploding iPhone

HardOCP News

[H] News
Dec 31, 1969
The iPhones are exploding, the iPhones are exploding! Run for your life!

Yassine Bouhadi, a 26-year-old supermarket watchman from the southeastern town of Villevieille, said he was typing a text message on Monday afternoon when the screen exploded.
10 bucks says it's the douche bag from yesterday's clip shooting at the phone!
The only thing I can think of capable of exploding is the battery.
Has this been placed directly behind the screen with no shield?
The battery tech needs severely looking at, not acceptable given the possibility of burns, fire, impacts and glass injury!
Does this happen as much to other types of player, do Apple use a particular hybrid battery that others are not?
The EU and France are going to rip Apple a new one for this. It sucks to be Apple now. Can see Microsoft get a whole new ad campaign together, Zunes won't blow up in your face.
10 bucks says it's the douche bag from yesterday's clip shooting at the phone!

and he's a douche bag because....

It's his phone. He can do whatever he likes with it. Have you ever thrown anything away before?

Funny how you guys rip into that guy for his iPhone but cheer Steve on when he puts holes into stack of hard drives. Biased, aren't we?
i think apple is playing a game of knivey spoony..

seriously... how many "accidents its not our fault ever" does it take before some kid gets 3rd degree burns or disfigured. as much i hate dell, they often help replace their batteries. ipod's "don't talk about it " policy is a bit scary
and he's a douche bag because....

It's his phone. He can do whatever he likes with it. Have you ever thrown anything away before?

Funny how you guys rip into that guy for his iPhone but cheer Steve on when he puts holes into stack of hard drives. Biased, aren't we?

actually, when KYLE puts holes into hard drives he wasn't "trying to make a stand"

and yes, this guy is a douche bag...he's bought THREE iphones and is shooting this one now because of what? he's not happy??? WHY THE HELL BUY THREE???
next it will be terrorists claiming responsibility for the Iphone Explosions...

Maybe he was using the iExplode app? :eek:

What amazes me is all these stories of exploding or flame-bursting iPhones, but I haven't heard other phones have this problem. What is Apple doing to them that's making them so dangerous? :confused:
I would just post a picture of the phone blowing up and caption it:


(too soon?)


Or a group of young and hip people playing and having fun with there Zune HDs and then a group of people with mangled, bloody and scared faces lying in hospitals with the caption, "Who's having more fun?"
A French security guard said Tuesday he had received a faceful of glass when the screen of his iPhone exploded.

Hrrmmm that must of been one forceful explosion to actually cause the glass to fly into his face. I wonder if he is missing a hand too... Because a guy shooting one, four times barely caused any glass displacement. (Except where the bullet hole was.) Shens me thinks...
Hrrmmm that must of been one forceful explosion to actually cause the glass to fly into his face. I wonder if he is missing a hand too... Because a guy shooting one, four times barely caused any glass displacement. (Except where the bullet hole was.) Shens me thinks...

The guy should be lucky that the iPhone doesn't have the metal backing that the iTouch has, imagine all of that blast focused at his face like directional charge.
For every one reported incident of an exploding iPhone you'd have to assume there are at least 10 more that were not due to some settlement agreement reached with Apple.

But who cares, shit blowing up is awesome!
Hrrmmm that must of been one forceful explosion to actually cause the glass to fly into his face. I wonder if he is missing a hand too... Because a guy shooting one, four times barely caused any glass displacement. (Except where the bullet hole was.) Shens me thinks...

Not the same mechanism, methinks. Although if you're willing to run another test of you looking at the screen while someone else shoots it from behind, I'd be willing to fund it. :)
A 2 oz lithium-ion battery can explode with enough force to blow glass into the users face, or bust into flame hot enough to melt the plastic on the phone.

Yet some people want you to be sitting on a 1000 pounds of lithium-ion batteries in your electric car.
Yet some people want you to be sitting on a 1000 pounds of lithium-ion batteries in your electric car.

The only problem I have with electric cars is that all the cool ones cost as much as a house.
Hrrmmm that must of been one forceful explosion to actually cause the glass to fly into his face. I wonder if he is missing a hand too... Because a guy shooting one, four times barely caused any glass displacement. (Except where the bullet hole was.) Shens me thinks...

dont forget that a bullet focuses the force on one point (it was a nice hole, wasnt it?) with an explosion pressing the display out and shattering it it would have probably needed a much lesser force
A 2 oz lithium-ion battery can explode with enough force to blow glass into the users face, or bust into flame hot enough to melt the plastic on the phone.

Yet some people want you to be sitting on a 1000 pounds of lithium-ion batteries in your electric car.

I remember in the 90s when everyone wanted to switch to electric cars and there were talk about exploding batteries. Then the video of the Japanese politician's notebook blowing up on him.
Isnt this why they put a warning on Li-Ion batteries:

"Please dispose of properly. Do not expose to fire or flame"

Besides, he should have used .45 glasers
Maybe he was using the iExplode app? :eek:

What amazes me is all these stories of exploding or flame-bursting iPhones, but I haven't heard other phones have this problem. What is Apple doing to them that's making them so dangerous? :confused:

Not just iPhones, lots of other phones also go up in flames and such. I think it has to do with phone manufacturers marketing trying to 1 up the others. The older generations of phones did not have that problem. With talktime being such an important factor with customers, I believe manufacturers may have been overcharging the batteries beyond what is safe.

I believe this is the second iPhone explosion. There was another one in SF on Aug 14.
What if apple is just trying to get everyone to buy an Iphone so that one day they can simultaneously blow up everyones Iphone in their face?
Or a group of young and hip people playing and having fun with there Zune HDs and then a group of people with mangled, bloody and scared faces lying in hospitals with the caption, "Who's having more fun?"

LOL that'd be an amazing ad (in a creepy way)!!!
It will be the Lithium Battery as usual. I'm surprised these things haven't been outlawed.
Or a group of young and hip people playing and having fun with there Zune HDs and then a group of people with mangled, bloody and scared faces lying in hospitals with the caption, "Who's having more fun?"

Steve Jobs takes the podium, all the nights go out, the normally "all white" locale now gets a blood red hue...

"introducing....the iZombie!!" BLARRRRRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGG

everyone dies

/new apple promotion
How anyone can consider Apple a good company, at all, is beyond me. They seem to not give a shit about anyone. This kinda thing just keeps happening, seems.
Bringing in the fad of the blast proof carry case.

Also most mobile electronic devices use Lithium Ion chemistry's that are much more unstable, but have a higher energy density that any of the chemistry's being considered for electric cars. Except the tesla. The ones they're using in cars also have a much longer cycle life than anything used in mobile electronics. On the order of 2-3 thousand cycles before they're degraded to 80% capacity. All the designs I've seen also have the batteries encased in 1/4 or better steel cases that are designed to keep the batteries safe in case of an accident and also served to keep the passengers safe in the unlikely event(due to the chemistry) of the batteries shorting and catching fire.
dont forget that a bullet focuses the force on one point (it was a nice hole, wasnt it?) with an explosion pressing the display out and shattering it it would have probably needed a much lesser force

Actually, if you have the same pressure applied to both a large and a small area, the force of the [insert object here] will have to be greater on the larger area.

P = F / A, or A * P = F.

Either way, sweet :D.
it is hard to want an iphone after reading stuff like this... few friends of mine have them, but they dont have problems... i do agree that they are probably overcharging the batteries a little bit.

Li-on batteries arent the issue here. they can be perfectly safe as long as a few little rules are followed.

Personally, i would much rather see Nicd and NiMh disappear, or if not NiMH then Nicd. they are probly what, 40 years old now?
I call shenanigans - in this case, insurance fraud.

snopes said:
In each and every exploding cell phone case Nokia investigated, the battery in question proved not to be original to the unit and not to have included industry-standard safety measures. It also found the vast majority of short circuits that led to these explosions were caused by the units' having undergone traumatic events (such as being dropped) which jeopardized the integrity of poorly-manufactured batteries.
In later news, Apple added "works as an anti-personnel device" to the iPhone's feature list and then doubled the price.