Making my own digital picture frame


Oct 14, 2000
Has anyone ever done this? I have a 15" LCD monitor that I would like to build a custom box for and then be able to stick in a cf card or the like. It cant be to hard to make something like that. Any thoughts?
See I found that and most people say, use a laptop. But It all seems to complicated. I simply want a PCB with a Compact flash slot that I can plug in and have it do stuff. Someone has to sell these.
this sounds interesting...

i think the hardest thing would be to find something that can pump out a 1024x768 image (in your case) in a relatively small compact form factor.
Yeah it actually would be 800x600 as thats all the more rez this thing will do. I have a VIA eden board I could use which wouldnt be to bad.
For what you're wanting, an older SBC with a 1U power supply would probably do the trick. Wouldn't have to be fast just to display photos.
Ok I have been given the ability to take some older p4m lappies from work to make one using a laptop. I will start working on it soon and then post a worklog and have a mod change my title and move the thread.
I made an older G3 Ibook SE (366mhz ftw) into a picture frame. It fell off the wall and broke the die offa the Chipset (I glued it in, and of course it landed on it's back, on the HS, ripped it off, with the die).

As the G3 boards go for a few dollars, I've kept the picture frame around... I have pics and stuff too ;).