Making a virtual server?

Silent Assasin

Aug 1, 2004
Ok well someone suggested to me that i should make a virtual server within my router to allow my ftp server to work. But the thing is that i still can't figure out how to do that on my Linksys router running the current firmware. And well i can say many things about the linksys support team right now but i won't....
So can anyone else help me figure out how to set up a virtual server.
Hmm, Im a little confused exatly what your trying to do. Do you want to make a ftp server to be able to access anywhere from the web, or just something behind your own router?
I have no idea what that virtual server deal is. If you have an ftp server behind your router then all you need to do is forward the port on the router. If your ftp server is at then configure your router to send all traffic for port 21 to
jpmkm said:
I have no idea what that virtual server deal is.

Some routers (I'm thinking of DLink) refer to port forwarding as 'virtual servers'
ok, well i've already tried port forwarding, the reason i brought it up is because sum1 refered me to setting up a virtual server, but i had no idea how to do that.

What i'm trying to do is set up an ftp server so that external computers can download from me. I've got tons of game mods and maps that my friends would like to have, but the problem is that some people live have way across the country.

I have a linksys WRT54G. I've already set my computer to the DMZ host, forwarded the port to open 21, and using bulletproof FTP. So far i can only get computer on the same network to connect, and when sum1 from the outside tries to connect, bpftp doesn't even detect that someone is trying to connect.

Does anyone know of another program that i could try to set up a server with?
Can the other people at least ping you? It sounds like everything is configured properly.
If your router is config right your ISP could also be blocking the ports and not letting traffic thru. You can check by taking the router out and checking if there is just the machine connected to the modem if someone can ftp to your IP address. If this doesn't work then the ISP is more than likely blocking the needed ports.
pigster said:
Some routers (I'm thinking of DLink) refer to port forwarding as 'virtual servers'

Yup, this is exactly what it is. I've got a DLink as well and it kinda threw me off at first. If you only have one system behind the router that you want to be seen from the external side of your network, then the virtual server ports are what you'll need to enable/forward. Its just a quick and easy way to port forward without creating all the ACLs and rules from scratch.