Major problem installing Vista64


[H]F Junkie
Dec 17, 2006
Ok I am sure ya have read my many thread's asking about Vista64;

Anyways I did the Vista64-Ultimate bundle with the Athlon64 FX-60 cpu, and also bought a new RaptorX 150gb harddrive......Got a deal on all this for cost :)

So I install the new cpu under my regular Win2k OS and 75gb Raptor, and just had to update my Abit bios to recgonize the FX chip, after that everything seemed cool, played around for a 10-15minutes and it worked fine. So I go to install the new second harddrive, pop that thing in, then unplug my normal drive and plug this on in, and throw the Vsita64 disc into the DvD drive and turn it on.

Everything sounds cool, go to bios to make CD-Rom the default starting device to install Vista, and it goes right to setup screen, type in model #, blah, blah, blah......Then as it is installing all of a sudden I just hear a small click sound, and computer shuts down :confused: ......So I turn it on again, and it says Windows did not finish installing need to try again......So I go through the install process again, setup the drive, format, and install, I go grab a drink come back and the computer is shutdown again ?

Please help :(


Update; Had no trouble exchanging the RaptorX for a new one ......Plug her in with SerialATA PSU cable, and also the little SerialATA cord to motherboard......Turn on computer everything sounds fine just black screen, no post nothing......I turn it off clear the CMOS turn it back on and everything is cool, go into the Vsita64 installation process, but it seems to take a long time for the DvDrom to get moving through the install screens in the begining >?

So it starts the install process, but everything just seems slow going through the motions between screens, like it is accessing too much or not reading the DvDrom correctly ?......Anyway's it does the install, and then when it says auto restart to continue into windows, it goes back to a black/blank screen where it should be posting and restarting, but all the parts are running and sound normal ?......So I clear the CMOS once again and start her up and it works, but I am going through the install again and it just seems slow as dirt to get to each stage of the install window ?
If you heard a clicking sound just before it shut down, you should start swapping out parts one by one. I'd look at the PSU, HDD, cpu fan, processor, etc.
Just noticed two little things......My original 75gb Raptor drive had a white bracket around the pins, and the new one has no thing covering any pins, I think that has to do with Master and slave stuff. But I had them plugged in only one at a time meaning if I was using the new one to install Vista64 the old drive was unplugged.

Also I had a little weak cable connecting the drive to my PSU, now I switched it to a main PSU connector on it's own......Let's try these two changes and see if this help's
Well I plugged that little white connector thing onto the back of the new Raptor drive to make it a Master......before there was nothing on the rear pins I wonder if that can cause a problem ?

Also plugged in a true dedicated PSU connector to the drive as well......But before all of this my system never freaked out on me look in signature pretty good quality part's with no issues the past 12months with them

also just for shits and grins I took out the X-Fi soundcard for now
If you're referring to the jumpers, I would read what they are for first. There are no master/slave configurations for SATA drives.
If you're referring to the jumpers, I would read what they are for first. There are no master/slave configurations for SATA drives.

Well thanks for the advice :eek: I bought the oem version with no manual :confused: and now after installation was almost complete and actually in Vista64 the harddrive started to make a loud clicking sound repeatedly, and then shut down :(
Another strange is now happening......I plugged my other drive back in, and turned it on, and for some reason it is taking for gosh dang ever to load into Windows, I mean we are talking five minutes, where normally it is just 30seconds tops
I have some serious problems now :mad:

So I gave up on the new RaptorX harddrive it musty be a bad one ?......So I go back to my original drive, and it is slow as poke getting into Windows, like really really slow......Then it gets onto desktop and restarts itself, then I set bios to safe/low, and it now says same thing other drive said "DISK BOOT FAILURE, INSERT SYSTEM DISK AND PRESS ENTER"

WTF does that mean and why now twice on two drives, what the fuck I am doing wrong here ? I have built a ton of new systems from scratch the past 6-7 years and most go smooth as butter, some are a little tough but I always get them up and running in stable condition to last forever, I am really confused please help
Wow, where to begin:

1. You have built PC's for 6-7 years, yet didn't know about the Jumpers on a hard drive?

2. You can still find Manual's for your drive on the Manufaturers website (in your case that would be Western Digital).

3. Before you updated your BIOS, did you write down all the settings from the old BIOS?

So without knowing anything about your Motherboard, Ram, Video Card, or anything else in your system, I can tell you that there is some settings in your BIOS that is causing your problem. If your lucky, no permanent damage happened to your drives, but you may need to reload the OS on both of them.
Wow, where to begin:

1. You have built PC's for 6-7 years, yet didn't know about the Jumpers on a hard drive?

2. You can still find Manual's for your drive on the Manufaturers website (in your case that would be Western Digital).

3. Before you updated your BIOS, did you write down all the settings from the old BIOS?

So without knowing anything about your Motherboard, Ram, Video Card, or anything else in your system, I can tell you that there is some settings in your BIOS that is causing your problem. If your lucky, no permanent damage happened to your drives, but you may need to reload the OS on both of them.

I cleared the CMOS, took the two pin connector out and over the other two pins, then waited a bit and reset it, turned on the computer and it booted back in Win2k perfectly, right now with the FX-60 this baby is screaming fast......But I just spent a couple hudred dollars on a new RaptorX 150gb harddrive :(, I just tried it one more time, plugged in the RaptorX, and again some very strange clicking sounds coming from the platter on drive, and it wouldnt even post the main screen let alone even load to Vista......So I plug back in the original 75gb drive, and again nothing on that, but I cleared the CMOS once again, and I am typing to ya form this computer no problem.

So the issue is not the new FX-60 I am running it now at 42C idle, I did have to do a bios update from the begining that may have been part of the problem ?......But after clearing the CMOS it works smooth as butter, and this new harddrive wont even post now, do ya think that is the main issue, I can return this drive and get another one tomorrow and try it all over again ?......Any special tricks to installing a new fresh harddrive and OS ?......I did it the same way I have every computer the last 5+ years and never have a problem before, dont know why this issue came up, and why was it even just clicking off while I first tried to install Vista64, it was loading up real nice then clikc and computer shutdown ? And tried it again few times and same thing when I first plugged it in to install Vista
I think your Raptor may be bad.

Last night before bed I tired the RaptorX once more, plugged it in, and right away there is a loud clicking sound coming from the new harddrive, sounds like right at the platter the sound is coming from, computer wont even post with it :confused:

I go back to my other drive and that is what I am typing to you from, everything working real nice. So is it possible the new RaptorX was flawed from the begining, or did I damage it ? All I did was install the new drive like I have on a dozen other system build's over the last 6-7 years with never a big problem on building a new computer. When I first plugged it in, and started installing Vista64, it got to the install screen of the OS, then made a loud clikc and shutdown the computer by itself. So I had to go through the Vista install again, second time it goes a little further into the install, then again a click and shutdown. The tird time it makes repeated click sounds, and wont even post ?
Is there something I am not doing right installing the new harddrive ? I thought it was very simple to install a new drive, and this was to be my main and only drive too.

I unplug my current harddrive, from the PSU cable, and the Serial ATA connector, then with that same cable/connector I plugeed them into the brand new drive and turn the computer on, with the Vista64 disc in the DvDrom drive, and set biso to boot off the Sony disc drive to go into auto install of windows Vista64, is that not the correct way to do it ?

Update; Had no trouble exchanging the RaptorX for a new one :)......Plug her in with SerialATA PSU cable, and also the little SerialATA cord to motherboard......Turn on computer everything sounds fine just black screen, no post nothing......I turn it off clear the CMOS turn it back on and everything is cool, go into the Vsita64 installation process, but it seems to take a long time for the DvDrom to get moving through the install screens in the begining >?

So it starts the install process, but everything just seems slow going through the motions between screens, like it is accessing too much or not reading the DvDrom correctly ?......Anyway's it does the install, and then when it says auto restart to continue into windows, it goes back to a black/blank screen where it should be posting and restarting, but all the parts are running and sound normal ?......So I clear the CMOS once again and start her up and it works, but I am going through the install again and it just seems slow as dirt to get to each stage of the install window ?
Could be a bad bios update. Or perhaps a bad PSU.
Also Nvidia video card and board drivers are beta so those could also be causing a problem for you.

I've actually done a bios update to a asus board that killed it. Wouldn't post after that.

So my bet is on a bad bios.
AHHHHHH !!!!!!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

I go through the install once again......everything looks good, then when it needs to restart it self it does, and this time goes through the post and almost into the Windows loading screen, but right be fore that screen the system shutsdown :( WTF
Could be a bad bios update. Or perhaps a bad PSU.

I've actually done a bios update to a asus board that killed it. Wouldn't post after that.

Interesting ya say that, I had to update the bios to accept my FX-60, I go through the process from the Abit uGuru menu, and when it was finished it said computer needed to restart yes or no, I click yes, and it just hung there forever not doing anything, I had to manually turn it off......I think that fukked up the computer, but once back in with my old harddrive everything works nice
Interesting ya say that, I had to update the bios to accept my FX-60, I go through the process from the Abit uGuru menu, and when it was finished it said computer needed to restart yes or no, I click yes, and it just hung there forever not doing anything, I had to manually turn it off......I think that fukked up the computer, but once back in with my old harddrive everything works nice

Is there a different bios you can flash it with? If possible maybe reinstall your old CPU and roll back the bios to what you were using?
Just to test things out.
If it could be a bad bios update then why under my older drive does the system work top notch, no lockups and fast as heck. Just doesnt make sense as to why it wouldnt allow Vista64 to complete installation, and sometimes not even boot into post screen, but plug back in my 75gb Raptor and it is the opposite :rolleyes:
If it could be a bad bios update then why under my older drive does the system work top notch, no lockups and fast as heck. Just doesnt make sense as to why it wouldnt allow Vista64 to complete installation, and sometimes not even boot into post screen, but plug back in my 75gb Raptor and it is the opposite :rolleyes:

You said when you went back to your older drive and tried vista you had problems too. So it's not limited to the drive. And bios updates can be flakey like that. So to rule that out I would go back to your old CPU, flash with that older bios and then try it.

And again, keep in mind that Nvidia support for vista is horrible right now. And you have a nforce 4 board and Nvidia card so problems are something you will have to expect until Nvidia gets their act together.
I am actually typing to ya in Vista64 :)......But dont get too excited yet, it was and still is a difficult road to get here and continue in a stable condition.

One thing I just happened on chance to catch was every time it would shutdown going into the main OS was after checking and flashing the keyboard/mouse lights, so I unplugged them and uses the old connectors to attach directly to the motherboard, not USB, and that helped get me into Vista64

Then a few updates later, evrything seems cool, then another restart form an update and it shutdown getting into Windows again :confused:......So I went into bios and set/enabled USB keyboard and mouse, and a few other options got me here right now......But it is very hit and miss so far, it feels like 50% chance it get's into Vista or shutdown, dont know what is this main issue ?
Well I was up and running Vista64 for like 30minutes +, then out of the blue just surfing the net bam system shutdown with no warning ?
Well I was up and running Vista64 for like 30minutes +, then out of the blue just surfing the net bam system shutdown with no warning ?

Again, Nvidia drivers are still in beta and are very problematic. Seeing as your motherboard and video card are both nvidia chipsets are you set for a world of problems.
Again, Nvidia drivers are still in beta and are very problematic. Seeing as your motherboard and video card are both nvidia chipsets are you set for a world of problems.

Well I did install the newest nForce motherboard driver's right away, they were dated as of this month, and I know about the VideoCard problems to expect in gaming, have not gotten that far.

So ya think there will be revised nForce4-AMD drivers soon, and if so can those just be installed over the existing drivers ?......Thank's for all your advice I appreciate it, now good luck with my X-Fi sound card going in next, and installing that baby :)
Again, Nvidia drivers are still in beta and are very problematic. Seeing as your motherboard and video card are both nvidia chipsets are you set for a world of problems.

Sorry, but that's too broad and unsubstantiable a comment. Take notice of the rigs run by a lot of people who are not reporting problems in Vista, and you find that they're running Nvidia chipsets and graphics cards also. No problems on my Nforce4/Nvidia graphics card rig, for example.

There will be problems for some people. There's no clear indication that the problems reported by people are actually driver-related ones in many instances. You often see reports in which it has been assumed that drivers are at fault, but no clear evidence to that effect has been presented. The situation simply isn't one in which a clear statement can be made to the effect that people with Nvidia gear will be confronted with problems. They might be., Most people don't seem to be, though.