Mac Mini is in the mail :(


Supreme [H]ardness
May 27, 2001
Still have my 2017 MBP but my main desktop is no longer apple. Upgraded my monitor setups and apple simply doesnt' make a desktop that is compatible, which is astounding. I hate Tim Cook.

Hopefully i will return later this year if they announce better stuff. I can't be the only one moving on?
What did you migrate to?

I am not following - what was upgraded with the monitors that was not desktop compatible?
We use Minis a lot for remote terminal servers. We went to them because they were off-the-shelf units, the form factor is awesome for something tucked away, it could be easily replaced, and we just run virtualized stuff on them, so computer swap is just copying the VM over. High Performance isn't really needed, and we've had really good luck with longevity so far, but I am concerned, especially now that they are going on 8 years. My current crop is vintige 2010. We replaced the HDDs in them in 2015. If they were to crap out right now, they would probably be replaced with NUCs. I can't just go pick up a NUC locally though, where as I could (in the past) just go swing by the Apple Store or Best Buy and pick up another Mini if I absolutely needed to.

Sure, with a VM I could use almost literally any computer in there. But the SFF of the Mini/NUC, they just get tucked up in shelf and it's wired to field-mounted equipment (panel mounted touch screen, ethernet, power, etc), and with anything bigger, we gotta fool with pulling cables and such around temporarily and it gets messy.

I'd like the Mini line to survive, I really like the little units. Apple has said they are getting updated, but I'm just not holding my breath.
What did you migrate to?

I am not following - what was upgraded with the monitors that was not desktop compatible?

Ryzen itx in a node 202. Looks great on my desk.

None can do 4k. Good job Apple!
iMacs do support external 4k monitors, as does the Trashcan Mac Pro...

Mind you, the latter is fucking expensive and the former includes a 5k monitor in its own right! At least for the 27" which I run.