m0n0wall problems! alternatives?


Jul 30, 2005
basically i got the newest beta of monowall...never used it before, but i know the routine.

the real reason i want it is because of this review. and their traffic shaping rules file, for bf2 and others i play :)


so i get together an old rig. celron 533, 128mb ram, 6gb hdd two nics. the shebang.

boot off cd, goto detect interfaces. doesnt detect anything. but when its loading all the files i can see it sees a realtek card b4 that scrolls away...

ive tried 3 diff pci nic cards, in diff slots for the board (only 3 to pick from) trying 1 card at a time each slot etc..i know these cards work, theyre working pulls and i even tossed 1 in aother box to verify, and its fine...

so after spending an hour or so cursing this problem...im throwin in the towel and gettin a beer.

but does anybody know any alternatives to monowall, that do traffic shaping and so forth, putting http traffic at the bottom priority and my gaming at higher

im looking at smoothwall but i dont see anything about that for it..what about ipcop or some other open source free firewalls i can load on an old rig
ipcop + the Advanced QoS Mod (the built-in traffic shaping is AWFUL) will do the job just fine. I use the Advanced QoS Mod to traffic shape so my VoIP connection stays solid/doesn't drop.
on the ipcop site w/ addons it isnt listed there

a quick google turned up a buncha nonsense


thanks for such quick reply :) im headed out for half hour to chill out and come back and nail this baby to the wall with ipcop if i can get it to load onto that pc :)
pfsense has quite robust QoS/traffic shaping.

Endian has it also (what I'm running now..my save linux router so far)...but it's not a "wizard based" setup for QoS/Traffic shaping...you create your list of services manually..by ports. Have to say it works very well by default though...the other day I had another PC downloading 3x massive files...almost 2 gigs total...each coming down at almost a meg..and I was playing bf'42 just fine..at my normal 55-60ms ping to my usual server.

First...I'm not convinced your current issue is due to traffic shaping or QoS...I'm wondering if your current router is just too light to handle the loads. Someone else at your house runs some P2P program..and your router gets overwhelmed just from the P2P traffic..bogging down the CPU/RAM. Getting a beefier router or building a basic linux router and running it by default might just fix that without worrying about QoS/traffic shaping.
movax said:
ithe built-in traffic shaping is AWFUL
It works just fine for my VoIP solutions. I can be downloading torrents, surfing the web, and making phone calls and I never notice a slow down.