Low Level Format is SLOW!


[H]F Junkie
Sep 25, 2003
In an attempt to get my video card working (see thread here) I decided to low level format my hard drive (a Maxtor 120GB, 7200RPM, 8MB buffer, ATA)

First, I tried the MaxBlast software from Maxtor, but it kept saying my dirve wasn't recognized.

So, then I tried AutoClave, and I couldn't even get it to run.

So, I went to DBAN, and I was able to get it started. I set if for a quick format, only one pass, nothing fancy. This was the setting the program recommended for 'internal redeployment' - which just means if you are going to be reusing the disk.

Well anyway, I started it, and it was going extremely slow. It took 30 minutes to get to 1%, so I estimated that it would take the better part of a day to finish.

I read the FAQ on the DBAN website, and one if the questions was 'Is it supposed to take this long?' which was answered with a simple 'Yes,' but ~20 hours for a one-pass format? That's crazy, I'm sure glad I didn't pick the 35 pass method.
Just for the record, doing a low level format isnt a good idea whatsoever on an ATA drive.

A low level format physically defines placement of every 0 and 1 on that drive. You have a large drive so it should definately be taking a long time. It's not the software, its the drive.
Actually I think he's really doing a zero fill, not a low level format. Seems to be a lot of confusion between these two lately.
Originally posted by tdg
Actually I think he's really doing a zero fill, not a low level format. Seems to be a lot of confusion between these two lately.
Yeah, my bad.
yup its a "fake" low level format

its not even possible to do a real low level format anymore (on modern drives), its all done in factory only

zero fills do take a long time, especially with a big drive

did you see this?
Q: I have a new Intel motherboard. Why is DBAN slow?

A: The exact reason is unknown as of 2003-08-02.

Users have been reporting performance problems with Intel motherboards manufactured in the last four months, specifically those with the Springdale chipset. A fix is not currently available, but the problem will likely be resolved with a driver update

Originally posted by Ice Czar
yup its a "fake" low level format

its not even possible to do a real low level format anymore (on modern drives), its all done in factory only

zero fills do take a long time, especially with a big drive

did you see this?
Q: I have a new Intel motherboard. Why is DBAN slow?

A: The exact reason is unknown as of 2003-08-02.

Users have been reporting performance problems with Intel motherboards manufactured in the last four months, specifically those with the Springdale chipset. A fix is not currently available, but the problem will likely be resolved with a driver update
I missed that. I have an 875 Intel board, which isn't a Springdale chipset, but is pretty similiar.


BTW, it took 19 hours, and didn't fix my problem :(