Lord of the Rings extended Bluray $49.99 Amazon

~ 4 hour high qualtiy 1080P video, with HD 6.1 audio, dont know how many other audio configurations or languages there is (havent opened it yet), so 2 discs per movie sounds about right to me.

Anyway, ordered with free two day prime shipping, and came next day.
15 BR disks for 3 movies is ridiculous and awesome at the same time.

Must resist.
While I will agree the "extended" does look better, shouldn't a 1920x1080 image take the same amount of space regardless of the quality?

Think of compression in video codecs like zipping a file, but rather than getting a perfect copy when you unzip it, you get a video with information removed. You can change how much information is removed when you change the quality of encode. Video codecs don't just store each frame as a series of 1080p bitmaps or something, that's why size can vary with different qualities.
Its not because the movies are longer, its because the extended versions used a much higher quality transfer than even the theatrical edition blu-rays. Example as seen here http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/58593
The transfer is the same for TTT and ROTK, Only FOTR got a new transfer. They may have used a higher bitrate encode for the EE versions, but only one has a new transfer.

Having said that they could easily have gotten a near 4 hour movie onto a Dual Layer BD (at 50GB) with lossless audio and had a pristine and completely transparent AVC (H.264) video stream.
Does anyone have a process to merge the disc's? But keep the BD structure intact? I've read a little on this, but wonder what steps you guys might use?
I wonder how much HD space it would take to rip these without losing overmuch quality. I can't imagine two 47gb discs are 100% full but... I guess worst case 47 x 6 = 282gb. Then you could put them in a playlist and it would move almost seamlessly through if you ripped it right.

EDIT: it is my understanding that if you own the original ripping is legal. Just throwin' that out there.
bit, thanks OP - I will be hosting a party with this now, and my 103" HD projected screen, 7.1 audio, and 4 bottles of Russian Standard :)
Watched the first one with the kids today. Looked spectacular! I forgot how long these movies are though and I think the first one is the shortest!
Great deal. I was torn between this or getting the trilogy for $18 at BB. I ended up getting the BB deal. I love the movies, but I don't have to see the extended 2 disc versions.
Picked this up. Ugh. My 4TB NAS is gonna be full. Time for bigger drives. :(
You can still get the trilogy for $49.99. Purchase the trilogy for $56.99 then contact customer support and say you ordered the item for $49.99 but the price changed to $56.99 when you checked out. If the rep is awesome enough, they'll adjust the price back to $49.99 for you. YMMV
Hey just thought I'd warn everyone. I snagged this deal and when I got the boxset the last movie (Return of the King) didn't have Part Two, it only had 2 Part One discs. Amazon is sending me a new set free of charge fortunately, but still... I'd recommend checking them in case you decided to go on a marathon run and find out you don't have the last discs of the last movie. >.<
You can still get the trilogy for $49.99. Purchase the trilogy for $56.99 then contact customer support and say you ordered the item for $49.99 but the price changed to $56.99 when you checked out. If the rep is awesome enough, they'll adjust the price back to $49.99 for you. YMMV

Thats messed up. Who would be stupid enough to believe that?
You can still get the trilogy for $49.99. Purchase the trilogy for $56.99 then contact customer support and say you ordered the item for $49.99 but the price changed to $56.99 when you checked out. If the rep is awesome enough, they'll adjust the price back to $49.99 for you. YMMV

Just pay the 7 bucks for goodness sake..
BIG SNAG! Waited a long time for the real trillogy extended version to come out.
Good stuff, although I must say that the Extended Cut Lord of the Rings trilogy is not that great. Most of the scenes that were cut; Deserved to be cut, they really tend to drag the movie a bit and do not add anything to the story or atmosphere. Good deal though.
I'm a little concerned about this set. I'm sure it just extra features and stuff but.... 15 discs!? Are the movies not on 1 disc each? I'd be ticked if I have to get up halfway through a movie and disc-swap.

Movies are on two discs like the original DVDs. The other 3 discs/movie are bonus DVD features.

I personally ripped the Blurays to MKVs and then combined the two separate MKVs into 1 (adjusting the chapter list as necessary). Works great with no hiccup at the change point. Only problem is that the files are humungous. I think the 1st two end up a little more than 65GB each, and RotK is about 75GB. Some lesser computers just choke trying to load those files (explorer crashes in my cousin'a laptop if I even browse to the folder on my USB). They play fine in a powerful system with upto date codecs though. MKVs in question have the actual video data, the DTS-MA audio (for HDMI bitstream), and the plain DTS track (optical/digital coax compatible) No alternative languages or menus are in my particular MKVs.

Anyway, my point is the bitrate is huge, hence the split. Combining isn't very difficult, but it does cause some issues for some computers since no one really expects single files that big. Can probably reencode at a reduced bitrate. But I don't like the thought I losing any quality, perceptible or not.

Good stuff, although I must say that the Extended Cut Lord of the Rings trilogy is not that great. Most of the scenes that were cut; Deserved to be cut, they really tend to drag the movie a bit and do not add anything to the story or atmosphere. Good deal though.

IMO the scenes added to FoTR really helped the story seem more coherent. TTT and RoTK definitely dragged at some points ( particularly the gollum scenes). RoTK had some great additions too though (Saruman's death, Gandalf vs Witch King, mouth of sauron). I think they would've been perfect if they aimed for only 30 extra minutes for all of the extended editions instead of trying to one-up themselves each time. I've been tempted to go in and cut out the scenes I don't like, but right now I feel too lazy
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I just ordered this from amazon and I am tempted to cancel it. I was at bjs wholesale club and they had each movie independetly for $8, it was the theatrical editions, I am pretty sure they all had an extra disk. I am wondering what is the difference between this and the extended ed? does extended really add that much? $24 vs $50
The quality diff of the ext version is worth the price in itself.
F' that, I jumped on this deal! You know, I always thought the first two editions of LOTR looked a little bland compared to what I saw in the theater. After looking at that comparison link, it confirmed my suspicions. But, damn I didn't know it was that extreme! It looks like the difference between a jpeg and RAW image.

Anyway, I'm not going to full on attack those that prefer convenience over quality (im looking at you mp3, divx, VCD lovers) but welcome to the past, anyone remember Laserdisc? I do, I owned a couple of high end players and I went for the CAV discs whenever possible even though it could be two or more discs for a movie. Quality over convenience. You need an intermission with the LOTR films anyway! ;)

Man, I can't wait for these to arrive. I picked up a new plasma the other week, a Panasonic GT30 50" and the picture improves on the already insane G10 50" that it's replacing in the man cave. I can't wait to see how this version of LOTR looks on the GT30. Magnepan surround and Buttkicker mounted to the couch, this is going to be AWESOME!!!
Man, I can't wait for these to arrive. I picked up a new plasma the other week, a Panasonic GT30 50" and the picture improves on the already insane G10 50" that it's replacing in the man cave. I can't wait to see how this version of LOTR looks on the GT30. Magnepan surround and Buttkicker mounted to the couch, this is going to be AWESOME!!!

Just got myself one of these last month for my bedroom - great TV; picture quality is quite close to my 58" VT25. Only thing is mine has the fluctuating brightness issue (fairly common) so I gotta call Panasonic and have them send a tech to swap out the motherboard. I just wish it could do 96Hz like the VT25 (software restriction; it displays 96Hz for 3d content and the Euro models all support 96Hz natively).
i have everything set up, the only thing that i need to rock the house down is a new sub. Too bad I'm too broke to afford that. Oh well :( a 6incher will have to do for now ................
I ended up buying about a dozen other blu-ray discs from Amazon after clicking in this topic...
Just got myself one of these last month for my bedroom - great TV; picture quality is quite close to my 58" VT25. Only thing is mine has the fluctuating brightness issue (fairly common) so I gotta call Panasonic and have them send a tech to swap out the motherboard. I just wish it could do 96Hz like the VT25 (software restriction; it displays 96Hz for 3d content and the Euro models all support 96Hz natively).
I saw that in some AVS posts and a review that the Euro model does 96Hz, that's some bullshit that the US version gets neutered. Watching Avatar in 3D sure as shit revealed the 96Hz soap opera effect. The thing is with this set it actually looked good and consistent without the smudginess(?) and artifacts that I'm used to seeing on LCD based sets. I can't say that I notice any brightness fluctuations as my eyes are pretty sensitive to image anomolies. I tell ya though, that thing does black VERY well! Good luck with the replacement and ENJOY!
I just ordered this from amazon and I am tempted to cancel it. I was at bjs wholesale club and they had each movie independetly for $8, it was the theatrical editions, I am pretty sure they all had an extra disk. I am wondering what is the difference between this and the extended ed? does extended really add that much? $24 vs $50

If you're a hardcore fan get the extended editions. I thought I was, but after watching the first 2 I don't think I can stomach watching the third one. There is something to be said about good editing. ;)
I have never seen the extended edition before and geez they do cover a lot of extra little details that should have been there originally. These movies are even more awesome.
If you're a hardcore fan get the extended editions. I thought I was, but after watching the first 2 I don't think I can stomach watching the third one. There is something to be said about good editing. ;)

I don't consider myself a hardcore fan at all, but I preferred the EE versions. I don't even think it's a judgement call on The Fellowship. Its significantly better.
In like Flynn

Seriously though, this makes me feel a little better about getting stiffed out of seeing all 3 movies (first 2 extended) in one sitting a few years ago. I wanted my 8-9 hours of uninterrupted theater goodness!! :p
In case any of you want to merge the 2 disks into a single Bluray disk structure (using tsMuxer). Look down to post #116

This guy breaks it down on how to chop the ends of the individual disks so they are seemless, and even gives the chapter timmings. I've done Fellowship and its perfect!! but its 58.1GB :D
Now to do the next 2 movies.
Just finished the first movie, looked great. Switching discs was kind of annoying, throws off the flow. Mine came with instructions to download a digital copy. I didn't have time since the discs just came in today but I'll probably do that for the other movies so I won't have to mess with it.

the digital download has worse resolution than the dvd....