Lord of the Rings extended Bluray $49.99 Amazon

Smoking... I still have my normal edition but unopened, kinda want to upgrade for my first blu viewing of these haha.
Bought a copy of this as a present a few months ago, glad I didn't get my own copy till now... just saved myself $20
Thanks for saving me of waiting in line at BB for this.
OK, the coffee hasn't fully kicked in yet. The previous BR release was the shorter theater version, correct? And this is the longer extended version with more meaty goodness? I didn't buy the BR set yet, so I guess this is the one to get?
OK, the coffee hasn't fully kicked in yet. The previous BR release was the shorter theater version, correct? And this is the longer extended version with more meaty goodness? I didn't buy the BR set yet, so I guess this is the one to get?

Yes, Yes and Yes.
I'm a little concerned about this set. I'm sure it just extra features and stuff but.... 15 discs!? Are the movies not on 1 disc each? I'd be ticked if I have to get up halfway through a movie and disc-swap.
My set just arrived this afternoon. Thank you Amazon Prime!

Regarding the movies on multiple discs, I know the extended DVD set, at least Return of the King was on two discs. I haven't popped mine open yet to check it out.
I almost bought it until I realized that I have to watch Orlando Bloom and Elijah Woods in full HD... so I think I'll just rent it.
Each movie is spread over two discs.




Seriously, 2 discs?

My first DVD(s) I ever got one was the movie Stargate (5 free movies from... ) and holy shit that was horribly half way through I had to physically flip the disc over.

Even if you had a multi-disc player, its not like the movie will movie seamlessly from one disc to the next. Granted it's a overly long movie, but still!
I think I'd prefer if they lowered the quality a smidge to make them fit on one disc.

If 200 minutes at 720p fits in 1400mb, you'd think they could get 200 minutes at 1080p into stinkin 47000mb.
Its not because the movies are longer, its because the extended versions used a much higher quality transfer than even the theatrical edition blu-rays. Example as seen here http://screenshotcomparison.com/comparison/58593

My first DVD(s) I ever got one was the movie Stargate (5 free movies from... ) and holy shit that was horribly half way through I had to physically flip the disc over.!

Lawl, I got that deal too.
Sucks to be me for not reading the fine print. I saw 15 discs and thought, wow, 12 discs of extras!!!
I don't know if I should get it now or wait and see if there is a better price friday. Hmmmm
I don't know if I should get it now or wait and see if there is a better price friday. Hmmmm

Best Buy is the same price but limit of 3 copies per store. I snagged this from Amazon and crossed Best Buy off my list (not that I was gonna attempt to get 1 of 3 copies from a store).

Got my copy yesterday. Wonder if Amazon will have everything else I want before Friday too.
Fry's is suppose to have this for $39.99 today only and in store only. nearest Fry's is 4 1/2 hours away. Even then it only saves a few dollars for me, with free shipping and no tax with Amazon.
Fry's is suppose to have this for $39.99 today only and in store only. nearest Fry's is 4 1/2 hours away. Even then it only saves a few dollars for me, with free shipping and no tax with Amazon.

Its currently $40 online at Frys.com with $3.99 shipping.
Its currently $40 online at Frys.com with $3.99 shipping.
Think it was dead this morning for shipping, too lazy to get out of bed and get my CC last night. Tried to order it around 7am online this morning, but said in store only by that time. Reserved my copy and picked it up on the way home from work for $43.xx after tax though.

Yea I hate going to stores around LA so much I was willing to pay $4 to get it shipped 2 miles from me :D.
Shit, I bought the extended edition a couple of months ago but haven't watched them yet. I can't believe a single movie is spread over 2 discs, although I guess if the quality is stellar I could live with it.

I wonder if I can rip the discs and then join the two streams end to end for the media server.... hmm....
Holy crap, you mean one has to switch disks during the movie. My life is over. Completely over.
Just finished the first movie, looked great. Switching discs was kind of annoying, throws off the flow. Mine came with instructions to download a digital copy. I didn't have time since the discs just came in today but I'll probably do that for the other movies so I won't have to mess with it.