looking to upgrade

Apr 27, 2005
well currently i have an 6600 gt sli system. My friend is building a new shuttle and wants to buy one of my cards off of me. I was looking into getting a 6800gt. Will i see much difference in games and benchies or are they about the same. (yay on the road to 6800gt sli :))
The difference will be night and day. While the 6600GT is no slouch, even in SLI it has trouble keeping up with a single overclocked 6800GT. Ramp that puppy up to Ultra speeds with some good cooling, and you'll be in a whole new league.
SLI 6800GT's are a real powerhouse, and if manage to cool them well enough and get those clock speeds up in a system that doesn't bottleneck them, you'll be enjoying smooth framerates in DOOM3 Ultra Quality and EQ2! :eek:
well i guess here is part 2, recommended brands, my 6600gt cards are msi they have been rock solid, but any suggestions on 6800gt brands, i was thinking just bfg cause i can get the pci-e ones at a local best buy.