Looking to Copy Files by Size


Mar 15, 2006
So I'm looking for a way to go through a large set of folders in a directory, copy the folders and the items under file size. There are too many folders for manual parsing to be reasonably possible. Does anyone know of a program or command that can do this?
So wrote a little batch script to test it out, and its not seeming to do anything.

robocopy "f:\Schumer Vid" "c:\test\" /max:107374182

see any errors i made there?
What's the output?

Try with /E (or /S) in case you need to copy files from subdirectories.

Also, adding the /L (log) switch will act as if robocopy runs but it just won't copy anything, outputting what it does(/will do) for easier testing.
Like this?
robocopy "f:\Schumer Vid" "c:\test\" /max:107374182 /S /L

because i still run into the same issue. What happens is it flips up the window for a split second then closes
AH figured out my issue. For some reason it doesn't seem to want to handle directories with spaces in the name. I added an underscore to the folder and the script and it worked fine.

sorry for the double post
Sounds like you had a syntax error then. Spaces can be escaped with quotes so they shouldn't be an issue.