looking into AMD 64 and have some questions


Limp Gawd
Jun 3, 2004
I'm looking to build myself a computer to replace my old one and the 64 bit processor's are what i'm looking into, but I'm not to sure about how much trouble it is going to cause me. So I've got some questions.

1) Can I use windows xp home edition with a 64 bit system?

2) If I can will it utilize my entire system's capabilities?

3) If I can use xp home, will my drivers for my motherboard work?

4) If I can't use xp, and have to use the trial version of windows 64, will I have driver problem's with my video card, and cd rom.

5) Do I have to pay for windows 64?

6) Will applications and games that work in windows xp work in windows 64?

Any help would be greatly appreciated
Here are the answer you seek grasshopper

1. Yes, XP home will run on and Athlon 64. The Athlon 64 supports both 32 and 64 bit operating systems

2. No, it will not use the 64 bit capabilities, but it is just as fast or faster on a 32 bit operating system as the equivelent Pentium 4

3. Yes, 98% of all of them will

4. You could potentially have all kinds of problems with the beta version of Windows 64, that's why it is a beta version for people to find bugs and incompatabilities.

5. Downloadable beta version - No , Full Retail version(when available) - Yes

6. Some will, some won't, it really depends on the app, other boards would have more info on this
I have a question as well...hardware related though....do the Athlon64 mobos have the 4 mounting holes for heatsinks/waterblocks, same as the XP boards? I am going to A64 and hopefully my Maze4 will fit the Abit KV8?