looking for some expencive headphones


Limp Gawd
Nov 20, 2004
sorry for this useless topic, but i've seen few months ago some headphones here on hardforum (someone posted those), which cost 3.299$. i cant remember much how they look, but i know they have red colored "over-ear", and i think they're black colored.

there was a sticky here "post your headphones" which i cant find anymore ;s

please if anyone knows which headphones are those, post up here :)

I think you're thinking about the Sony Qualia 010.

Go to audiocubes.com or contact your Sony store.
Pinipig523 said:
I think you're thinking about the Sony Qualia 010.

Go to audiocubes.com or contact your Sony store.
Truth. Be sure to look up some reviews, as they arent for everybody..
yea, i ment these

heh im not planning to buy them (i dont have such a need, nor the money heh), but they just got on my mind while i was looking at headphones in store:)

thanks guys for your help.
Your Welcome. for 3300$us, I would have thougth they would look a little more comfortable... but oh well.
Yes... go to headfi and end up like me.

Stupid headphone and amp that costs an arm and a leg. :mad:
StoneNewt said:
You don't like your headphone amp? :(

I do, dont get me wrong. However, the price is quite enormous at $1250 for the two. Stupid headfi.

But I do love my GS-1. In additio to being a superior headphone amp, it functions superb as a preamplifier to my Rotel and to my Martin Logans as my computer speaker system.
towert7 said:
Your Welcome. for 3300$us, I would have thougth they would look a little more comfortable... but oh well.

Actually, they are pretty comfortable. I got to try them at the Head-fi meet, but didn't really spend a lot of time with them. Sound didn't really blow me away though on first impressions.
There are other more expensive headphones than the Qualia. Note the Sennheiser HE90 aka Orpheus.
correct me if im wrong, but i've a feeling you pay more for the amp than headphones.. ?

sennheiser he90 are sure ugly tho. i like the looks of Qualias :D