Looking for some constructive criticism (design)

What is .CFM? is it similar to CCS?? What did you use to design your website? and how did you round off the corners in thoes layers like that?
To mikeblas: what background music? (edit, I guess you mean on one of the photo pages, to my credit, I didn't do that part, someone else did ;) )

To Teen-Pound: It's short for Coldfusion Markup. Coldfusion is a server product from Adobe (formerly Macromedia). http://www.adobe.com/products/coldfusion/ edit: oops, I missed your other questions. I used Adobe (Macromedia) Fireworks and Dreamweaver. The rounded corners are made possible with a Javascript library called NiftyCube: http://www.html.it/articoli/niftycube/index.html
To mikeblas: (I know about that layout problem; I'm saving that for later) I was just wondering what could be improved with the youth portion of the website (the link I gave). e.g. colors, layout, typography, etc. Any responses are appreciated. (except "I hate your website, you can't do anything to fix it! :) )
So just that one page? Seems fine to me. I'd make the blue "What's Happening?" header bar green, but that's about it.
The buttons on the main nav menu are way too large. You shouldn't have any more green there than what is necessary to cover the text plus a little bit on top and bottom. Make the height smaller.
Thanks for the suggestions everyone.

To mikeblas: I meant all the pages that are in the nav bar are the youth portion of the website.

Any thoughts on the other pages? I really appreciate you all taking the time to look. :)
I think this is probably personal preference rather than targeting demographics, but I can't stand drop shadowed pictures when they're on a page like the "leaders" page.
Hey gotgoose did you put your main logo/nav bar in a sharder border? i can't tell because when you click the "leaders" and "photos" link everything shifts to the right a little bit so i'm not sure. Thanks.

- I made a thread a little bit ago asking about shared borders or how to keep the main logo from loading over in each page. If you get a chance drop by and give a helping hand if possible?

Teen-Pound: I'm not sure what you mean by shared border. Also, what shifting part are you talking about when you click on the leader or photo page?
I would do two things off the bat.

One, get rid of the underlines on the mouse-overs for your nav bar.

Two, center the three brochures you have (mog retreat, wog retreat, etc.) Right now it looks un-balanced.
When I click on any link starting from the home page everything shifts to the right a little bit. I'm using firefox
To Teen-Pound: It's because the scroll-bar is appearing when the content is taller than your browser screen (firefox doesn't always have the scrollbar; IE always has the scrollbar). I can't really do anything about that.