Looking for PC party game recommendations


Limp Gawd
Sep 3, 2004
Hey all,
I have a media pc on my television and want to throw up some adult party games for new years eve?
Any suggestions?

I dont think there are any, PC games arent really made to allow more than one person to play on each PC.

The only game I can think of that allows two on one screen is Pocket Tanks. (awesome game, btw..)
Besides the obligatory GC Mario Party games, I usually hook up a racing game, seems to entertain. However like the above poster said, not much on the platform.
Thx. Dont really care if more than one person can play at a time.
Any other adult party games?
Back in college, we had a big group of friends that would all pile around a computer with alcoholic beverages and go at it in Worms (Armageddon) tournaments. Awesome game and easy to pick up, but hard to master (ninja rope!!). Girls get a kick out of playing cause the worms are 'cute', but everyone likes blowing each other to bits. Bonus fun for renaming everyone's personal teams with funny names and giving them accents. Man those were the days. I bet it'd be fun on a living room big screen too so everyone can get into it.

...might have to see if I can resurrect some of that goodness one of these days
Oh yeah, I remember playing worms with a group of friends back in the days! My friend and I would take half an hour just building up our base with girders and tunneling escape routes and making traps and such. Good times!
I bought the wireless Xbox 360 PC adapter so I could use wireless Xbox 360 accessories, and then I hooked up my video card to the TV via HDMI and hooked up the sound card to the receiver via analog rca cables. I bought a wireless guitar and a friend usually brings another one over and then everyone can play Guitar Hero 3 in 1080p. Let the drinking commence.

Also, like someone else said, trivia games are always great. I will have to check out that Worms game sometime.
see if you can dig up (eBay?) some of the old You Don't Know Jack games. They allowed up to 4 players (IIRC) and they were easy to play.