Looking for LCD t.v as monitor


Limp Gawd
Mar 28, 2007
I am looking to sell my 2007wfp monitor and put the money toward a larger, t.v sized LCD. I would use this lcd at college as an all in one type of set up, t.v, computer, game systems ect. I am looking for anything under $1000, and preferably 1368x768 resoultion. I know that a number of you here on this forum us lcd t.vs as monitors and I want to hear from you what you believe is the best lcd t.v/monitor out there.
just throwing it out there; but, 1366x768 (720p type displays) isn't the best for computer monitors. you're better off tryin' to find a 1080p display for a computer monitor. I have a Westinghouse 37w3 1080p monitor and use it for my monitor/tv/xbox 360. I used to own a Visio VX32L (720p/1080i TV) and used it as a monitor for a while and it's a little harsh on the eyes up close. I had to be a fair distance away for it not to be blocky/pixelated.
just throwing it out there; but, 1366x768 (720p type displays) isn't the best for computer monitors. you're better off tryin' to find a 1080p display for a computer monitor. I have a Westinghouse 37w3 1080p monitor and use it for my monitor/tv/xbox 360. I used to own a Visio VX32L (720p/1080i TV) and used it as a monitor for a while and it's a little harsh on the eyes up close. I had to be a fair distance away for it not to be blocky/pixelated.

Had the same experience with my friends westy 32" 720p HDTV. i recommend a decent 1080p display no matter what.