Looking for good 19" crt


Limp Gawd
Apr 2, 2002
Right now i have a Viewsonic G90fb and i hate it. I can only have a 60hz refresh rate or else the screen shakes badly, it hurts my eyes, i've actually had to see the eye doctor and only recently did i think it could be my monitor. I need a high quality, easy on the eyes 19" crt that i can use for games. I read the Mitsubishi 930SB is nice, is it my best choice? I like the price but i'm afriad it will be similar to my viewsonic. Any ideas? Would LCD be easier on my eyes? Thanks
LCD if you can afford it. 60hz? I thought that monitor was better than that. What resolution are you using, 1600x1200? One of the best 19" CRTs on the market is the Viewsonic p95f+. I forget it's max resolution, but it has very high refresh rates. If you can't afford an LCD, get one.

Why don't you just lower your resolution to like 1280x1024 or something. It must run that at 85hz or so... And if that hurts your eyes, get an LCD :).
if i raise the refresh rate higher then 60hz the screen shakes really bad. My resolution is 1280 x 1024. Do LCD's work well in gaming?
the sony HMD-A440 trinitron has an 18 in view but it feels so much bigger, and i pull 91.1/85 with my 9700 pro. very fine in my opinion.
He's saying he can't change refresh rates past 60Hz... usually a sign that XP is limiting your refresh rates at 60.. common problem.
From what I gather, it sounds like his monitor can do higher refresh rates, but beyond 60 Hz, it's crap, which is not normal for monitors like the G90Fb.

Your monitor might be bum. Windows XP limits DirectX to 60 hz unless you override, but if this is your monitor itself, it's not normal.
Yeah, at 1280 x 1024 i should be able to set it at 85hz max, but if i even move it past 60hz it shakes and looks like crap. So im forced to have a refresh rate of 60hz. This has caused problems with my eyes, enough problems that i've been prescribed for glasses to wear when needed. I'm looking for a good 19" CRT that i can play games on. Something that will not harm my eyes anymore. If you could also recommend a good LCD for gaming i would also appreciate it. Also are the problems i'm having with my viewsonic common? Is there anything i can do to fix the problems i'm having? Thanks a bunch.
My friend's roommate uses the G90F, and it is quality stuff. He runs it at high refresh (> 60, no one uses 60 on CRTs these days I hope) and it looks fine.

It is probably because your monitor's defective or it's going south.

For CRTs, look at my sig: I love my NEC FP912 (Mitsubishi DP930SB).

For LCDs, you can probably get a 17 inch and it'll offer almost as much screen real estate as a 19 incher. Viewsonic VP171b or NEC 1760 (I think that's the model) are both two of the nicest LCDs I've seen, if you can afford the premium.

However, if you still have a warranty on that monitor, you might want to look into getting it replaced or something.
If you want a LCD for gaming i can highly recommend the "Samsung 172X" its very good for gaming - the best 17" lcd out there for that.

If you want a 19" crt, well there are many good crt´s out there.I can only speak for my self, i got a 19" LG Flatron 900P and its very nice! its my theird LG monitors, they have all been good.
Sony and Mitsubitsi makes extremly good crt´s - better than LG in terms of color i think, but they have some weakneses compared to the LG FLatron crt´ series etc. they got 2 lines running across the screen and the trinitron tupe does not last that long, besides that they are very nice!

I hope you find whats best for ya´
I think there is about 20 threads about this exact question even if search is turned off you can look a few pages back to get some answers.
can only have a 60hz refresh rate or else the screen shakes badly, it hurts my eyes

I had this exact same problem on two different monitors. The problem was that I had a powerstrip behind the monitor and i had a big power-brick-plug plugged into it that was for my speakers. I moved the strip away from the monitor and the problem went away.

So moving everything away from the monitor and see if that helps.
I have a Mitsubishi/NEC 930SB that I got from dell for a little over $300 last week and it is a GREAT monitor for the price. Nothing else even comes close to this sucker!