Looking for feedback on a web design


Dum Cumpster
Oct 26, 2000
Hello. I recently began updating a website for a small company a family member works at. I haven't done any web related things in years, and while I have been fairly decent at coding, my sense of aesthetics is horrible.

Would anyone mind taking a look at the site so far and offer some feedback as to how it looks? I'm sure there are tons of things that I am doing wrong that will make legitimate webmasters pull out their hair.

The temporary link is http://www.pukto.com Thanks!

*edit* I just set up the hosting earlier today, hopefully it works
The site looks alright. The font sems a little blurry or something to me, especially in the slideshow where it's transparent with the black background.
You are centering too many items, especially text. That's bad design.

The padding on the main content container is too little on a few pages (ex. contact us).

Why are you using style attribute on the body? Move it over to a stylesheet.

On anything other than the home page, you have a couple of br elements and divs that you're using right underneath the body to get some spacing. If that's intended behavior, consider using padding or margins. Don't use br's for spacing, too many problems with that.

Put some margin bottom on the body. The links are way too close to the bottom.

Too many inline styles. Very bad practice.

Pipes (|) that are used solely for visual separation should probably be done with CSS (after and content pipe).

You could use a telephone link in contact information instead of just plain text.

Logo should probably be wrapped in a home link.

<br class="clear"> ... This can be done a lot better, just with CSS without introducing additional elements to the page. Google clearfix.

Overall, it's kind of poor but since this is not your field... No biggie.
I noticed that the footer is only on the main page and doesn't transfer to the other pages.

Some very productive comments above. I am a complete novice at this stuff though and I think it looks pretty nice as-is. BUT there is always room for improvements!
Thank you for all the feedback. I had a feeling i'd be needing to go through and clean up a lot of the CSS. Thank you for pointing that out. Also going to be adding the footer to the other pages, can't believe I missed that :p A few things I can't change, the centered text was actually something they wanted.

Any other things I could change that would make it look more professional?
You have broken images above the 3 main points on the home page.

<img src="images\c1.jpg"/>

Those should be forward slashes. Also you should link the main logo back to the home page as mentioned above, it's really standard.
Just my opinion on things...

You might want to consider linking the logo to the home page.

Your second image in the slider thing links to http://dev7studios.com/. I guess thats where you got the slider from?

You might want to try and find some better images as well, they are smaller than what is being displayed onscreen and they look quite blurry.

If you click products, it brings you back to the home page. Might just want to make the link # or something so it doesn't bring the user back to the home page if they were somewhere else.

I agree as well about adding some padding to the content. You have some space on the top and bottom, but the sides feel squished together.

I kinda feel there should be something above the "standard and custom dispensing system" in the header section, it feels a bit empty, but maybe thats just me.

The facicon looks weird to me. I don't associate that image with anything kind of branding on the site which is kinda weird.
I'm not a web designer, but I imagine it is bad getting a 404 page not found when clicking the products -> dispensing systems menu item


Have you tried justified or left aligned test and see if they like it? I agree about the centered text looking off
As krogen said, you need to move away from inline styles to get a much more uniform appearance (this will also make it much easier if/ when you change anything. A nice principle to live by is DRY - Do not Repeat Yourself, if you find you need to copy & paste large chunks of code, you're doing it wrong!

As I'm writing this from a phone, there are some separate issues. The main menu is poorly formatted (wrapped all over the place). Also, I can't access the products info using a touchscreen. This will also effect tablet users too. The easiest way to fix this is to create a products page and then list a summary of each one, I can see there's 3 just can't get to them.