Looking for dynamic o/c software


Mar 8, 2005
A while ago, I ran across a nifty piece of software for A64 systems that let you specify different HTT speeds, etc, based on CPU utilization. And now that I need it, I can't find it. All that I remember is that feature, and that it had an option to have a seperate window that would show the current clockspeed in a faux-VFD readout (sorta digital looking).

Anyone have a lead on that, or other similar software? I'm looking to reduce the amount of heat my system puts out when it's sitting idle, while still running at a decent overclock when I need it.

ummm, speedfan? but that only works on a few mobos. hmm, that sounds intresting to me, id like to find that software.
Hmm, don't think it was speedfan -- it looks like it can adjust fan speed, but not CPU speed. I definitely like clockgen, but it doesn't do automatic adjustments either.

It's driving me nuts, because I can picture the thing, but I have no idea what it was called. Argh.

The dynamic overclocking thing has me thinking, but I don't recall ever using anything like that. I want my OC all the time :cool:
Ok, I've seen that before, but never tried it. Glad you found what you're looking for.

aiken said:
Yeah, I want OC whenever I'm using the system, but when it's sitting at 3% CPU utilization, no sense pouring more heat out into the room (my system runs cold; my room is damned hot).

And I just have to ask, if you leave your computer on and it's sitting idle for a few hours, have you thought about running Folding@Home to put those spare cycles to use?
Well, yeah, not only have I thought about it, I have a couple of systems running folding. However, my main office gets morning sun and is routinely 85-90 degrees (F, obviously) when I start work in the morning. I need my workstation running overnight for some network stuff, but slowing it down will hopefully get me down to a cool 80-85 ;)

I've got that crystal thing installed and will report back on how it's doing. So far, all I can say is that if you have an A8N-SLI with a san diego 4000+, don't try setting the low speed multiplier to 4.0x or 4.5x; the system hangs instantly. 5x seems to work fine, and is good for about a 5c drop in CPU temperature.
