Looking for an application to monitor update to webpages...


Mar 10, 2006
There are a bunch of these, but the ones I have tried all lack the action feature I need the most. I need it to:

Search a specific page for content (url), then click it.

Seems simple enough, but none that I downloaded do this. I use FF and browsed all the extensions already.

Thanks for any assistance
So you want an application that checks a certain page (one you specify) every x interval and notifies you when it changes? If so, sounds like a very easy thing to whip up quickly in your favorite programming language. Heck, I'm sure someone here could do it. :D
Not really notify me when it changes, just automatically click the new text (url) when it appears.

I guess I could program it with autohotkey or something, just thought there may be an app already created, so I could multitask
So the page only has one link? And you want a browser window to open with that url as the starting page? Example?
Nm, I wrote a script to accomplish it, just didnt want to spend the time to do so :)