Looking for a stand-alone RSS reader that can combine feeds

Aug 20, 2004
I'm about to give up on Google Desktop because I don't need most of its features or its massive bloat, but I've become addicted to the sidebar's web clips and news panels. So I'm looking for a stand-alone rss aggregator that works kind of like the Web Clips panel: One that combines articles from all feeds into one chronological list. It would be nice if I could customize the max number of articles that are shown, and it would be especially nice if I could set it so that the most recent 2 or 3 from each feed aren't pushed off screen by newer articles from other feeds. I don't need a side panel that shows which feeds I'm subscribed to, and I don't need a built-in browser. I'd just like to be able to double-click on the article title and open it in my default browser. It'd be nice if mousing-over or single-clicking showed the summary, but it's not necessary. Podcast support would also be nice, but again, not necessary. Does anyone have any suggestions? I've looked around some, but I really don't want to have to install a bunch of programs to find one that works the way I want. Thanks!