Looking for a Linuz firewall


Apr 16, 2007
I'm looking to put together a linux firewall computer, and really the only requirement I have for it is to be able to do web trafic filtering/blocking based on user groups. IE I want to set up Group A to be able to go to website A and B but not C and have Group B be able to go to website A but not B or C. Preferably the user authentication would be something invisible to the users, even just by MAC address on the NIC would work fine. Do you guys have any thoughts on a package that could do this?
There is a free linux based one called Smoothwall. I don't know tons about it, I have set one up and played with it some. I'm sure other people will chime in with more info.
ipcop ipcop ipcop

and with the addons it makes the system very versatile

youre goin to want to use the proxy junk, and dansguardian i believe. i personally dont use those, but i know it supports exactly what youre asking for
Thanks for the info, I'll take a look at those and see if I can get it working.
i use ipcop with the cop+ addon to get dans guardian. its in transparent mode so need to touch the laptops in the house.

very easy to setup and i'm very happy with it.
im just using copfilter with the hvap and privoxy stuff on.

works great for all the filtering i do.