Looking for a league team on CS GO ESEA.


Supreme [H]ardness
Jun 16, 2008
Looking to either start a team or join one. League registration ends in 18 days, and I would love to try this out. Looking for people with decent tactics and good communication.
What area are you in?

I'm looking to start playing regularly again - but I'm in the UK/EU.
I am DMG but I play pretty casually. I have a friend who is 4 star and he loves to play on a daily basis.
If you are interested and have the time, I'm down. I might be able to talk to some other guys into it.
Tomorrow night is end day for registration. League matches are Mondays and Thursdays. Team is muff huggers if any one is interested.
I got the communication down and I can listen to tactics, lol...

Let me know if you just need 1 more I am down for sure if you do.