Looking For A Good 7 Port Powered USB Hub


Limp Gawd
Aug 11, 2004
I've been trying to find a good powered USB 2.0 7 port hub. Everything I find either has some strange shape that looks, for lack of a better word, stupid or has all the ports on the front of the hub.

All I'm looking for is a normal shaped hub (square box) with all ports (including power) on the back. The only thing I want on the front are indicator lights or nothing. Years ago I used to see them all the time but now they all have some or all ports on the front or are some funky shape. I need it to be powered since I'll be plugging a few items into it that obtain their power from the USB port (G15, G9, N52te, etc...). I also have a USB mic but its USB 1.1 and would need a hub where having a 1.1 device plugged in won't affect the high speed of the 2.0 devices (if they even make such a hub). I have a few other items but they are just data or have their own external power source (UPS link to the PC etc...).

Does anyone know of a hub that fits what I'm looking for?

(was going to search but search function has been disabled :( )
I almost bought 2 of the Linksys hubs until I read the customer reviews on newegg. Apparently the Linksys hub isn't truely "powered". It seems the only thing the power adapter does is provide power for the indicator lights.

As for the Kensington, that thing falls into the "funky shaped" category which is what I am trying to avoid.