Looking for a Gi-Normous Case to House my Vapo Setup


Sep 11, 2004
Well, my vapochill rig is getting cold and lonely, it doesnt like sitting on a cardboard box totally nekkid. So I thought I'd treat it to a nice new case.
I am looking for any case that is large enough to fit an E-atx mobo and 2 vapochills (is there even one out that comes close??), I don't care if its fugly and comes in a beige-y crappy colour.

Any ideas? Thanks
I have no idea where to find this case, or if it's even available to the public...but when I was at Kinkos there was this HUGE case there...and it wasn't too hard to look at either...it was probably 3 feet tall, I hope that's not a problem...I would just suggest going to Kinko's and looking for the case, I don't know if it'll be there, but what do you have to lose in trying?
Have you ever thought of having two cases side by side maybe bolted so you can move them as one.

FrozenCPU's version:
I have thought of bolting two cases together but It would be too much hassle imo, due to the fact I have no experience in doing anything of the nature. That cube looks damn sexah, will get measurements and see if it'll fit
I would not recommend the YY Cube for two vapochills because it doesn't really have enough room. The case as it is is very well designed but as soon as you mess with the default configuration things don't work quite as well. In my eyes that YY is the perfect, PERFECT server case because you can have 8 hard drives and 6 drive bays for removable drives and support for large motherboards on the other side. However, for large scale watercooling it takes some work and for two vapochills I would think it would be tough. If you wanted to lose all your drives, then you could do it though.
I could easily lose the drives, but with them lost how hard would it be fitting everything?

[EDIT] took a closer look, the hole between the two sides is too small for the Vapo hose, will need to cut one, and I dont feel comfortable cutting metal
Height of vapochills is 17 inches, the height of YY cube is only 13.4 :(
why not just fabricate your own aluminum box to sit under the yy?

aside from that you could look at the large server cases from chenbro, or get a small rack cabinet. of course then it'd get a bit spendy.
A) why are you using two vapochills on 1 system? video card?

B) If a YY cube isn't gonna come near fitting, then it's going to get expensive, or it's going to get custom built, or you're going to get lucky and find a huge servercase used.

C) What are the dimensions that we need to fit, regarding the vapochill units?
Squalish said:
A) why are you using two vapochills on 1 system? video card?
2 Processors, yes I overclock SMPs ;p
Squalish said:
B) If a YY cube isn't gonna come near fitting, then it's going to get expensive, or it's going to get custom built, or you're going to get lucky and find a huge servercase used.
How expensive? More than $700?
Squalish said:
C) What are the dimensions that we need to fit, regarding the vapochill units?
17 (43cm) inches tall at least and at least 19 inches (49cm) deep.

I'm thinking about rackmounts but it would look messy and out of place in my room
Devilpup said:
why not just fabricate your own aluminum box to sit under the yy?

aside from that you could look at the large server cases from chenbro, or get a small rack cabinet. of course then it'd get a bit spendy.

Ho ho, somehow I doubt the guy with a dual Vapochill system is *too* concerned about price :p