looking for a decent monitor, need suggestions


Limp Gawd
Jan 11, 2005
so far its between the samsung 225bw and 204bw. I personally like samsungs so id like to stick with them. Mainly im looking for a widescreen monitor, bigger than 19 inches and has a resolution of 1680x1050. id like to spend between 200-300 bucks if possible, so does anyone have any favorites or suggestions?
I bought the 225BW last Saturday, and so far I like it, though it could be better. My biggest complaint would be the viewing angle. It took me a while, of messing with the height and tilt of the monitor, to get it the way I like it, but if I change my sitting position it's not as good. It's not major, but noticable. There's also some minor backlight bleed, but I only notice it when the computer first boots up, or if I have a movie going. Though I don't really watch movies much on my computer anyway, so the bleed is less of a deal then the viewing angle.

The monitor this 225BW replaced was a Samsung SyncMaster 955DF, which I really liked (standard CRT), but it had been getting old and the text was getting harder to read (becoming blurry). The 255BW is very sharp, though compared to what I had before anything would have been better, with the fuzzy text. ;) Either way I don't think I could ever go back to a CRT again.
I just got my 22" Asus MW221u widescreen a few days ago and it's the most beautiful monitor I've ever seen. :D
I just bought a 204B, which I am now returning to Best Buy for a second time. The 204B and 225BW have certain models that are built in China and that have DVI problems. In my case the DVI connection was not recognized at all, even if I tweaked the refresh rate and lowered the resolution. If you look at the back of the LCD and see that the model is 204B [R] or 225BW [R], you'll have problems. I have tested it extensively with other cables, monitors and computers: it's the display. See this thread for details and confirmation of this problem. If nothing else, it should say something that Best Buy has now removed that model from their online catalog.

So, if you want a good DVI LCD, do NOT consider these models unless you can confirm that you're not buying one of the bad batches. Do yourself a favor, and look at other models.

It's a shame because my brother owns a good version of the 204B, and it is a very nice monitor. The 1600x1200 resolution and wide screen for a very good price made it a very easy decision, so I have to start my search for an LCD over.
wow I did not know of that problem MotherBubba thanks alot. Also, Jerome the monitor it straight ahead of me so viewing angles wont be a factor for me. I guess ill check out what ASUS has to offer. anyone know any other solid brands?
I just bought a 204B, which I am now returning to Best Buy for a second time. The 204B and 225BW have certain models that are built in China and that have DVI problems. In my case the DVI connection was not recognized at all, even if I tweaked the refresh rate and lowered the resolution. If you look at the back of the LCD and see that the model is 204B [R] or 225BW [R], you'll have problems. I have tested it extensively with other cables, monitors and computers: it's the display. See this thread for details and confirmation of this problem. If nothing else, it should say something that Best Buy has now removed that model from their online catalog.

So, if you want a good DVI LCD, do NOT consider these models unless you can confirm that you're not buying one of the bad batches. Do yourself a favor, and look at other models.

It's a shame because my brother owns a good version of the 204B, and it is a very nice monitor. The 1600x1200 resolution and wide screen for a very good price made it a very easy decision, so I have to start my search for an LCD over.

I was not aware of this, and I just checked the back of my monitor. It says 255BW [R] :eek: I have it hooked up to via the DVI though, and I haven't encounted any problems. *knock on wood*
o0hh should have added that..

No Dells....

The new samsung 226bw is now in stock at circuit city...supposed to be much better than the 225.